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Author Topic: Hey, can you share some damonite?  (Read 1083 times)

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Offline Zorb

Hey, can you share some damonite?
« on: July 28, 2021, 05:30:22 pm »
Like, dude.
I'm running around Hex v2, and this Lavish trader has 28 damonites in the middle of town for 200,000gp each.

Man, like, you're not even playing with us. We're over here, having fun on our quiet server making ultima potions and dying to giant golems and you go in with your high level character and comb all the damonite off the landscape.

What am I supposed to work towards now? How will I kill the cursed egyptians?

Cheese? I don't do cheese.

You all believe we're bots anyway.  :'(

Left us to rot.  :'(
ZEB (and sometiems Zorb)

Offline Core

Re: Hey, can you share some damonite?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2021, 06:12:05 am »
Im sorry you seem to be really frustrated thinking i purposefully log in once a week to run around the map to collect every fallen damon, that is not what i do, its damon that was Duped/Glitched into existence.

and its not for a lack of wanting to hoard it, i log in every so often and try to offer to to players that are online. its really not my fault that everyone afk train and misses out.

Might help to know a situation before you go spewing your wolf though flaming me for it

Offline Zorb

Re: Hey, can you share some damonite?
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2021, 08:59:57 am »
I wasn't flaming. I was mostly joking about a largely dead server.
Its good to know that you're charitable.

How does anyone afk train? My pinky is getting some kind of carpal tunnel from gripping my gaming mouse to cast all my different spells.
ZEB (and sometiems Zorb)

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