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Author Topic: Grandeur  (Read 7210 times)

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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2019, 01:15:23 pm »
Yep, those features exists...

Skill.ini processing...
Code: [Select]
        ElseIf UCase$(Left$(s1, 9)) = "LEVELREQ=" Then
            SkillDef(sIndex).LevelReq = Right$(s1, Len(s1) - 9)
        ElseIf UCase$(Left$(s1, 12)) = "EXCLUDESKILL" Then
            i = Mid$(s1, 13, 1)
            SkillDef(sIndex).ExcludeSkill(i) = Right$(s1, Len(s1) - 14)

Skill training...
Code: [Select]
    ' make sure they high enough level
    If Player(pIndex).Level < SkillDef(SkillID).LevelReq Then
        'frmServer.Send_Text Player(pIndex).ClientIndex, "You need to be at least level " & SkillDef(SkillID).LevelReq & " to train that skill.", ORANGE
        modChat_Send Player(pIndex).ClientIndex, "You need to be at least level " & SkillDef(SkillID).LevelReq & " to train that skill."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' check for excludes
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 9
        If SkillDef(SkillID).ExcludeSkill(i) <> 0 Then
            If Player(pIndex).skill(SkillDef(SkillID).ExcludeSkill(i)).flgTrained Then
                'frmServer.Send_Text Player(pIndex).ClientIndex, "You can not train that skill. It conflicts with a skill you already have trained: " & Trim$(SkillDef(SkillDef(SkillID).ExcludeSkill(i)).Name), ORANGE
                modChat_Send Player(pIndex).ClientIndex, "You can not train that skill. It conflicts with a skill you already have trained: " & Trim$(SkillDef(SkillDef(SkillID).ExcludeSkill(i)).Name)
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    Next i

I checked player creation and it is in effect there too.
You may have conquered my worlds, but I destroyed them!
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Offline B2

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2019, 10:05:02 pm »
What programming language is that? I've not seen anything like it.

Offline Zodiak

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2019, 10:07:08 pm »
What programming language is that? I've not seen anything like it.

I'm just here watching..

Offline Roarion

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2019, 08:28:50 pm »
RPGWO as a whole has a lot of possibility and ability to do some neat things with, even back in 1.15, but the majority of people are stuck in the ways of how they've been set up forever and don't actually look at the whole picture and how they can be set up and used. Clear your mind of what you think you know.
it really doesn't! 

what I think I know was learned the hard way, actually coding server files.  after months of work in V2, and even asking Roar for help(he gave great work around advice), over half the things I wanted in my server weren't possible because so much of RPGWO is hardcoded.  you may find work arounds for some things, but the majority of what you've proposed here just won't work.


The issue is the biggest thing that's blown y'all's mind for the longest time was putting writings on weapons and if that's the most inivative thing recently I guess that shows a lot. So take a seat Greatest. Let daddy do his work.

Please don't make it so that you have to reach level 50 to train another special combat skill. That's one of the worst ideas I've heard to date, just lock it to like 700 skill level and keep the same skill. If you think the most interesting thing people have done is put writing on weapons you haven't played for a long time. The only thing left that's interesting in this game is someone pulling off a world with an insane amount of scripting.

Here is another quick review-
Strength of the Gawds - giant maul high damage and slow = done already and bad idea if the world has pvp.
Safeguard - Spell/better armor boring and possibly broken for questing running / pvp.
Master of Poisons - poison is worthless in this game don't bother, ess steal OK. This one is by far the worst option based on my assumptions.
Concealment - sounds like stealth is possibly limited to one class which is a poor choice.

Tell us something interesting, so far you're only telling me you put writing on weapons.
Asylum - lvl 33 Thrower
Pyramid - lvl 40 Scythe
Dementia - lvl 69 Spear
Nexus V2 - lvl 61 Stealth
Rebirth - lvl 72 Bow
Ganymede - lvl 56 Mage
Hex - lvl 1000 Admin
Future - lvl 1000 Admin
Retired - Unless V6 pulls a miracle

Offline Zodiak

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2019, 08:37:54 pm »
RPGWO as a whole has a lot of possibility and ability to do some neat things with, even back in 1.15, but the majority of people are stuck in the ways of how they've been set up forever and don't actually look at the whole picture and how they can be set up and used. Clear your mind of what you think you know.
it really doesn't! 

what I think I know was learned the hard way, actually coding server files.  after months of work in V2, and even asking Roar for help(he gave great work around advice), over half the things I wanted in my server weren't possible because so much of RPGWO is hardcoded.  you may find work arounds for some things, but the majority of what you've proposed here just won't work.


The issue is the biggest thing that's blown y'all's mind for the longest time was putting writings on weapons and if that's the most inivative thing recently I guess that shows a lot. So take a seat Greatest. Let daddy do his work.

Please don't make it so that you have to reach level 50 to train another special combat skill. That's one of the worst ideas I've heard to date, just lock it to like 700 skill level and keep the same skill. If you think the most interesting thing people have done is put writing on weapons you haven't played for a long time. The only thing left that's interesting in this game is someone pulling off a world with an insane amount of scripting.

Here is another quick review-
Strength of the Gawds - giant maul high damage and slow = done already and bad idea if the world has pvp.
Safeguard - Spell/better armor boring and possibly broken for questing running / pvp.
Master of Poisons - poison is worthless in this game don't bother, ess steal OK. This one is by far the worst option based on my assumptions.
Concealment - sounds like stealth is possibly limited to one class which is a poor choice.

Tell us something interesting, so far you're only telling me you put writing on weapons.

I appreciate your concerns and assumptions, but we will not have writing on weapons on this server. Sorry.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 08:42:18 pm by Zodiak »
I'm just here watching..

Offline Pepin

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Re: Grandeur
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2019, 08:43:31 pm »
Zodiak can you setup an rpgwo ini class?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 08:52:48 pm by Pepin »

Offline Roarion

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2019, 03:57:02 pm »
Not sure where "we're going to kill miners with underground spawns" was pointed out, but I understand your concern and how much worms and other underground atrocities may have scarred, but I assure you that is not how this will be set up.
it was what I took from "but you may just so happen to catch one in the act of hiding “their” treasures..".  not sure how you'd set something like that up without it involving monsters, but now I'm looking forward to finding out.

You can make a monster that doesn't attack and just runs away. If cornered they will swing at you so you give them 0 attack just in case. If they run too far away from their spawn point they will just freeze and vanish last I checked. The game tries to optimize for lag by removing monsters, it's the same reason you can just keep entering and exiting a quest in an empty sector until all the monsters vanish and then run it quickly.

Nothing posted here is anything new from what I can tell, it's the same ini with minor mix ups or they haven't shared any info about the interesting features.

The real problem with this game is no one plays it and it starts out difficult and gets easier the higher level you get.
Asylum - lvl 33 Thrower
Pyramid - lvl 40 Scythe
Dementia - lvl 69 Spear
Nexus V2 - lvl 61 Stealth
Rebirth - lvl 72 Bow
Ganymede - lvl 56 Mage
Hex - lvl 1000 Admin
Future - lvl 1000 Admin
Retired - Unless V6 pulls a miracle

Offline Zodiak

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2019, 04:18:44 pm »
Not sure where "we're going to kill miners with underground spawns" was pointed out, but I understand your concern and how much worms and other underground atrocities may have scarred, but I assure you that is not how this will be set up.
it was what I took from "but you may just so happen to catch one in the act of hiding “their” treasures..".  not sure how you'd set something like that up without it involving monsters, but now I'm looking forward to finding out.

You can make a monster that doesn't attack and just runs away. If cornered they will swing at you so you give them 0 attack just in case. If they run too far away from their spawn point they will just freeze and vanish last I checked. The game tries to optimize for lag by removing monsters, it's the same reason you can just keep entering and exiting a quest in an empty sector until all the monsters vanish and then run it quickly.

Nothing posted here is anything new from what I can tell, it's the same ini with minor mix ups or they haven't shared any info about the interesting features.

The real problem with this game is no one plays it and it starts out difficult and gets easier the higher level you get.

So I guess there's some confusion here with my posts and some community members, so let me start out by saying as far as ini work goes I know what I'm doing, been on and around this stuff for a long long time. Now I thought the occurrence with Greatest would show that but obviously there are layers of members here that lack critical thinking or reading skills so I'll make this fairly clear going forward. My posts are to show what we're doing, if this was a theory crafting session that's what the post would be about, but it's not. If you or anyone else couldn't figure something out, doesn't mean it's not necessarily impossible, just means that you couldn't get it done.

I'm not interested in reviews at this point and to be honest I haven't necessarily said any of this was new (read much?), but what I will say is regardless of the countless times people claim things are from scratch and you go and see that they are not, it's just rehashed inis with the same items with the same item numbers (you know who you are). These inis are being built literally from the ground up. I'm not saying the whole server will be things
never seen before, but what I'm saying is the inis will be obviously haven't shown off everything so yes there will be new stuff. (Yes, Roarian I know servers have had Birch trees before.)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 04:30:06 pm by Zodiak »
I'm just here watching..

Offline Jon The Great

Re: Grandeur
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2019, 05:18:45 pm »
Topic locker per request.

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