I apologize for the lack of updates, as quoted previously we both have families and careers that do suck up a lot of our time, we’re trying to get information out to you as quickly as possible. We’re continuing working on getting the job done, but still keeping the quality that the server deserves. With that said, I want to give some information out regarding our combat skills, what to expect, and some information on two of our skills/classes
So we’ve decided to move forward with a more modern approach to RPGs and that is with classes, we know that in the past it’s almost tradition to run with weapon based skills, but with using V3 and some of the updates that came with it, we believe we can keep up with the idea of class fantasy and ensuring each class and specialization feels unique. For stats you’ll find that each class will be based around (Base Stat + Wisdom)/Divisor
So without further ado, here is some information regarding two classes and their specializations..
Warrior [Base Class] - Stats: Str + Wis
This brute of a class can take a real beating, but destroy whoever stands in their way.
Wielding a large two-hand style maul or great axe, they bash or cut down their foes.
With brute strength they also wield a shield to help fend off damaging attacks from foes.
Rogue [Base Class] - Stats: Dex + Wis
This sly class strikes their foes quickly and precisely, using dual daggers or swords.
Using their cunningness and speed to maneuver and strike enemies in their most
vulnerable spots leaving behind bloody and poisoned wounds.
These classes, much like the others that will be shown at a later date will find runed books as they venture out, through quests and drops, these runed books will teach them skills to increase their stats or defeat foes that are in their way.
At level 50 you’ll get to pick a specialization for the class you’re playing. Our first post had already teased the warrior specializations but I want to go over some of the information that I had laid out more notably the “Tank” and “DPS” tags.
Obviously with how RPGWO is set up we’re limited to things like true party play, most games you would just party up with your friends and you would have a UI and set roles. So what we have tried to do is take time to set up classes and their specializations to feel as if they have set roles that will allow them to succeed not only in solo play, but also allow them to play in a group setting and feel like their role really matters.
Strength of the Gawds [Spec Warrior] - Role: Melee DPS
Looking above for it’s great gawdly strength allowing them to wield a huge Mighty Hammer
that does devastating bash damage to their foes. In true situations where a foe is met that can go toe to toe,
they can call upon that gawds for their help.
Safeguard [Spec Warrior] - Role: Tank
To protect and to serve, this specialization looks more towards the damage negating portion of battle,
gaining the ability to wield larger shields to help block and negate damage from foes and
learn ways to keep foes from getting to friendly targets.
Master of Poisons [Spec Rogue] - Role: Melee DPS
Mixing concoctions, you learn how to neutralize poisons but also inflict poisons on your foes
and allowing you to drench your weapons to inflict even more poison damage draining your foes and
leaving them writhing in pain.
Concealment [Spec Rogue] - Role: Melee DPS
Master of stealthiness, allowing you to move around unseen and keeping your true power cloaked from others.
You learn to move around foes in battle inflicting massive damage on your target.