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Author Topic: Contributions  (Read 5291 times)

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Offline Hubo

« on: July 23, 2019, 07:31:20 am »
Is it possible if we can contribute development towards the game? Or atleast help out with the development? I played a lot of RPGwo back in the day and really like to see it shine again with the new generation

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Re: Contributions
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2019, 11:22:56 am »
I think the best thing someone could do for Mickey would be to test whatever content he's been working on and let him know what you think of it, about any bugs, etc. Seems he is working on whatever Guild Vale is but I am not sure if there is any client available for testing that yet.
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Re: Contributions
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2019, 05:43:44 pm »

new game, new site, doesn't seem he plans it to be anything like RPGWO, so I haven't checked it out...
why does Fox keep cancelling good shows?

Offline Hubo

Re: Contributions
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2019, 07:38:53 pm »
Yeah I noticed that.

I downloaded it last night and it was pretty good given it still a beta skeleton of a game.

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Re: Contributions
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2019, 08:35:52 pm »
It is certainly significantly more responsive than the previous versions

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Contributions
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2019, 12:52:04 pm »
Thanks for asking....

Main thing is testing. The client runs on windows and android, so try to test both if possible. Try to get to level 5 or at least level 2. And let me know how it plays/feels.

Technically, it is RPGWO. I took the V6 code and created a new, simpler and modern client with simple pixel graphics. Got rid of a lot of complex usage steps too.

I plan to advertise on gaming websites when I feel I have a good, solidly playable Alpha version. Not quite there yet. Hoping by end of year but probably sooner.

I just added villages to the starting spots. With traders and guards too! Needs some sewer quests tho :)

Artwork wise, I am open. Look in the media folder for formats. tiles are 16x16. Before I used 32x32. And I use a limited palette which the file is in there too.

Ideas on quests are welcome. Plus magic is still up in the air how to do it. And the name "Guild Vale" probably requires guilds at some point which I want them to be the town builders.
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Re: Contributions
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2019, 01:31:19 pm »
The game seems a lot more difficult to work with in terms of crafting, attacking, etc. I'm used to having a bunch of hotkeys available, things like that, and it feels like I have to repeatedly move my mouse between the left half and the top right corner of the screen all the time. Which is easy if you're on touch, but obnoxious to play on desktop.

I'd like the ability to swap to a more readable font too (ideally not as pixely or something - check something like for a readbale font for all the stats text, chat, etc - you could put player names, signs, etc in "game-themed text" but everything else seems to be kind of a pain to read)

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Contributions
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2019, 04:55:57 pm »
The game seems a lot more difficult to work with in terms of crafting, attacking, etc. I'm used to having a bunch of hotkeys available, things like that, and it feels like I have to repeatedly move my mouse between the left half and the top right corner of the screen all the time. Which is easy if you're on touch, but obnoxious to play on desktop.

Haven't added Usage hotkeys yet. F1-F4 work for the window screens. Tab for chat. Plus/minus cycle through targets. Enter attacks. Num keypad/WASD control movement too.
I only notice the screen/mouse distance when in full-screen mode, maximized, otherwise it not too bad for me, I think?

I'd like the ability to swap to a more readable font too (ideally not as pixely or something - check something like for a readbale font for all the stats text, chat, etc - you could put player names, signs, etc in "game-themed text" but everything else seems to be kind of a pain to read)

Some fonts I could have an option for, like dynamic text. A plain smooth font option. But I already did improve it and haven't noticed a reading issue... except on a phone, with no glasses on, it gets blurry for me, heh. But that more of a small size issue.
Can you post a screen shot? Maybe the font is messed up on your install.
Here is what the font should look like:
1289-1" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
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Offline tripyung

Re: Contributions
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2019, 05:17:19 am »
I thought the Alembics looked a little phallic so I had a go at doing some in your style.

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