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Should RPGWO V7 have a new name?

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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Time for a New Name?
« on: December 10, 2018, 09:48:59 am »
My concern is there is a game out there now called "RPG World" that may conflict. Although, I checked and it isn't copywrited in USA.
Also, V7 is pretty far away from the original V1, so maybe we can use a new name plus something that is more specific or commercially appealing.

I have mixed feelings about this.

My main goal with V7 is Guild town building and running.
Here are some that are kinda what I would want but are taken:
 - arrowgate, madgarde, cloudgrasp, steeledale
 - Guild Town(website taken), Guild Bourne, Guild realm, guild forge
 - guild warden, claymore rpg, guild dawn, sand clan, guild haven, hammer helm, guild venture
 - realm venture

I have found a few good ones that may work but don't want to mention them yet.
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Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2018, 11:14:31 am »

I see no reason for a new name.  also, if someone else has stolen your game name sue them!
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Offline Sacrifice

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2018, 12:27:42 pm »
Name changes can be a good thing, although not necessary.

RPGWO does sound kind of generic now a days. A flashy name could attract some new players (maybe).

Being that there is no real storyline or lore it would be difficult to name the game something related to itself. I guess Grayvyn were a reoccurring thing.

Name it Grayvyn Online or something to that effect or Grayvyn Reborn. Those roll of the tongue.

Offline Squizzle

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2018, 02:37:49 pm »
Mickey's World

oh wait...

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2019, 07:06:11 pm »
How about...
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Offline Gimpy

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2019, 07:38:28 pm »
This is a very emotional thread. But i agree. Also thats different i like it.

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Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2019, 11:14:04 am »
your new site's page seems to be broken sort of...

it scrolls enough for you to see the top of whatever is written under "Created by:", but not enough to actually make it out.  though looking at the "made with" at the top of the logo for the html editor you used I'm wondering if you meant to cut that out, and maybe a little more...
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Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2019, 02:36:58 pm »
your new site's page seems to be broken sort of...

it scrolls enough for you to see the top of whatever is written under "Created by:", but not enough to actually make it out.  though looking at the "made with" at the top of the logo for the html editor you used I'm wondering if you meant to cut that out, and maybe a little more...
Yeah, RPGWO could seriously use a new webpage, Facebook page... and so.

Not that it all of that would take more than 48 hs to get done.

It's relatively little effort and it would make a huge difference, basically people would the know the game, or project, or whatever, exists.

Right now, who others than old players and its developers knows about RPGWO?

If RPGWO receives a new name, it should reflect its sandboxy, community friendly nature...
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 02:44:01 pm by Flambelk »
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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2019, 11:39:43 am »
If RPGWO receives a new name, it should reflect its sandboxy, community friendly nature...

"Guild Vale"
 - Guild = community
 - Vale = sandbox, world, place, etc

I could add "Happy Happy Fun Time" to the end so it sounds "friendly" ? heh

Guilds will be the focus and the builders and drivers of the world.
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Offline Gahok

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2019, 06:45:38 pm »
When are you planning on adding defs and other skills?

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2019, 11:45:33 am »
Right now, I am working on Auto-updating, so we don't have to always manually update. I think I figured out a way to make updates easy on both PC and Android. Should have it by end of the week.

Defense skills we probably need to discuss. V6 didn't have any specific def skills. Whatever you had armed, it used that for defense. I will search the threads for any past discussions and/or start a new thread on it.

Other skills:
- weapons: plan to add them next after auto-updating: dagger, sword, axe, mace, (all depends on the images I make for now)
- usage/craft skills: need to code the usage system. Thinking I need to break things up into "usage" and "crafting". Usage would cover things like opening doors, searching corpses, harvesting stuff off the map, mining, etc. Crafting would then cover "work bench" or making a new item from a mixture of other items and tools.
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Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2019, 01:24:19 pm »
Please make sure you sign your updates and/or use HTTPS
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Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2019, 07:32:02 am »
just don't go overboard with defenses.  if you make different defenses for each type of attack(slashing stabbing etc.) it would drive everyone crazy.

also don't overcomplicate usages like you did in V3.  needing multiple items to craft an object is fine, but 20 steps for 1 item is insane!
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Offline Gahok

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2019, 07:06:23 pm »
What happened to Guild Vale? You did an update to it and now it's not working lol.

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2019, 11:46:05 am »
just don't go overboard with defenses.  if you make different defenses for each type of attack(slashing stabbing etc.) it would drive everyone crazy.

Right now, whatever weapon you have armed, that is your defense skill. So like, you use a Sword to deflect/parry incoming attacks. Physical missile attacks also would be defended this way but I think at a reduced rate, like 50%. V6 has Shield skill which I think in V7 will block missiles at 100% skill rate.

Magic is different. Will have physical and pure types. Physical actually creates the effect, like real fire, and sends at the target. They can be blocked with melee skills but maybe with some splash damage. These would be harder/costlier to cast maybe. Pure magic, easier to cast but less powerful, bypass physical barriers (shields, weapons, some armor) and release the effect on contact. A Magic Resist skill will come into play there. That is kinda what I am thinking.

also don't overcomplicate usages like you did in V3.  needing multiple items to craft an object is fine, but 20 steps for 1 item is insane!

Agreed, usages got nutty in V6. I tried playing it back in Summer and was like "WTF was I smoking?!? And do I have any left?" I plan to simplify it a LOT. Like, to plant a seed, it was 3 steps: rough land, plough land, plant seed. Now it will be just: plant seed but require a hoe (for show). I see having 2 usage types: Usage(simply stuff) and Crafting(more complicated). A Usage would be harvesting wood from a tree. Crafting would be using some "bench" (like an anvil or stove) to combine tool(s) and ingredient(s) to get a finished product. Like open anvil, add hammer to tool list(may already be there from last craft), add iron bar and wood to supply list then select item from a possible list (iron hammer, iron axe, iron mace, iron pick, etc) then hit "Craft" to make it, assuming you have skill and stamina.

What happened to Guild Vale? You did an update to it and now it's not working lol.

I added mini Map and the world map screen. For some reason, the first time you run it, it goes nuts. Looking into the issue. Plus my android is giving me Asian characters, heh.
Also added auto-updating on PC and Android which will make things easier for all.
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Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2019, 04:10:55 pm »
just don't go overboard with defenses.  if you make different defenses for each type of attack(slashing stabbing etc.) it would drive everyone crazy.

Right now, whatever weapon you have armed, that is your defense skill. So like, you use a Sword to deflect/parry incoming attacks. Physical missile attacks also would be defended this way but I think at a reduced rate, like 50%. V6 has Shield skill which I think in V7 will block missiles at 100% skill rate.

Magic is different. Will have physical and pure types. Physical actually creates the effect, like real fire, and sends at the target. They can be blocked with melee skills but maybe with some splash damage. These would be harder/costlier to cast maybe. Pure magic, easier to cast but less powerful, bypass physical barriers (shields, weapons, some armor) and release the effect on contact. A Magic Resist skill will come into play there. That is kinda what I am thinking.
I can understand parrying with some weapons(which seems to be what you're suggesting), but most I don't think should work that way.  any chance you can use defenses like V1-V2?  missle* magic and melee were just fine for the way the game works.

as far as magic that sounds a little over the top!
*how long has that been misspelled in game?

also don't overcomplicate usages like you did in V3.  needing multiple items to craft an object is fine, but 20 steps for 1 item is insane!

Agreed, usages got nutty in V6. I tried playing it back in Summer and was like "WTF was I smoking?!? And do I have any left?" I plan to simplify it a LOT. Like, to plant a seed, it was 3 steps: rough land, plough land, plant seed. Now it will be just: plant seed but require a hoe (for show). I see having 2 usage types: Usage(simply stuff) and Crafting(more complicated). A Usage would be harvesting wood from a tree. Crafting would be using some "bench" (like an anvil or stove) to combine tool(s) and ingredient(s) to get a finished product. Like open anvil, add hammer to tool list(may already be there from last craft), add iron bar and wood to supply list then select item from a possible list (iron hammer, iron axe, iron mace, iron pick, etc) then hit "Craft" to make it, assuming you have skill and stamina.
that might be an oversimplification and overcomplication all rolled into 1!  think most of us set seeds and plow to hotkeys and farmed that plowing was a great way to burn off vitae.

I like the idea of workstations(better term than benches I think) for the most part, but having to put items inside them means you're going to have to make some all new interface that we'll all complain about, and none of us want that!  what if instead you use your materials on the workstation while you have the proper tool equipped?  I know you added equipped tools in V(I forgot the number :P), so that could work if still implemented.
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Offline Axeman

Re: Time for a New Name?
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2019, 03:04:14 pm »
Go Mickey Go!!

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