I have more questions than comments...
2: won't this cause a lot of lag as a person enters a new sector?
3: I've always hated elevation so I won't complain about this, but does this mean a person can no longer dig a small lake on their land?
4: aren't the floating map houses part of what caused the server lag issues on V3? also I never liked floating map houses. I liked being able to build things the way I wanted where I wanted...the essence of RPGWO
6: this brings me back to what I asked about 3...what things will we still be able to do?
7: while good for fighters, wouldn't this suck for crafters? what about monsters spawn faster in 'dungeons' which would be used for quests and what not...
10: this would suck in a pk type situation where the person attacking you(ranged attack) is under another person...
11: I've played games with item limits before and I've always hated that part of them. if I have 5k strength and can only carry 20 potions it sort of sucks(I know potions stack and only take 1 spot in RPGWO, but not all games do that), but with bags/chests this could really be exploited: bags hold 40 items now and a 20 place inventory(using 1 place to pick items up to move into bags) still alloys a person to carry 760 item types(what stacks what doesn't?)
12: keep food! I've never played(or even heard of) Rucoy, but you shouldn't be modelling RPGWO after other games...
13: I did that in the files I wrote, instead of having 10 types of trees I had 3, small medium and large
14: how simple are you talking? just using an ore on a 'forge' to get a finished item? that might be too simple, but there are plenty of places where usages have too many steps...
15: why not get rid of a lot more ore, then add different alloys made from your base metals? tin copper iron as your base metals, silver and gold for currency/jewelry/gilding, and fantasy metals(keep damonite instead of adding mithril) for big bonuses.
16: less skills is a good thing, class based isn't. ie: carpentry is usually just used to make handles chests and housing decorations, these decorations can easily be added to other skills, and with your horrible new crucible system you don't need handles. I think Roar(only 40% sure it was him) had the best idea for this, he added carp and masonry into 1 skill called construction. there are other skills that could easilly be removed/merged