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WTF have you been Mickey!?!?

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Mickey Kudlo:
Um.. yeah.

Like most people in the USA, I got sick. November and December were "fun" months dealing with bronchitis and fevers and cooties or is it kooties?
Then my wife got it in January/February. And also the winter blues kicked in, that ass.
Plus, my job has been VERY busy. We have been "transitioning" to a new ERP system and it has been one big cluster fudgesicle.
So, what was left of my brain either got eaten by "jumped the shark" Walking Dead or Civ 5... YES IT JUMPED THE SHARK AND IS A SMELLY PIECE OF POOP! Don't get me started.

So all that ended my V3 motivation plus I promised to give it a year of my time and I did. So I was happy I kept that commitment for everyone even though the results are debatable.

What am I doing now? Toying around with other projects that help keep my mind busy.

Getting sick is totally understandable! Sorry you both were sick.I definitely understand getting burned out.

I was just getting used to V3 - was enjoying it! Did you shut Dredge down? I'm getting connection errors.

What are you working on? Any games?

mechanical keyboard enthusiast:
Erotic role play ?

Jon The Great:
Glad you are feeling better Mickey. I do not think I have ever heard of a good successful erp rollout story.

mechanical keyboard enthusiast:
Oh christ it's an enterprise thing, good luck.


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