RPGWOForums > Announcements
Stopping Work on V3
Mickey Kudlo:
Need to stop working on V3. Got all sorts of real life crap hitting me and need to refocus.
I posted in the download section the V3 server and client media files. Whoever wants to run something and wants it added to the list, I can add them. Leaving Upira up for now. The V2 client media and ini server files still should work on V3 since most hated my new content :P
I may be able to make minor code changes/requests to V3 server/client in the future if someone opens a serious world.
Again... Thanks for playing!
Dripless Trout:
Mickey... what's wrong? Everything good? Feel free to reach out.
On a lighter note, I've been craving RPGWO for years.
I want to get more people on the train. It's a damn good game!
damn you Mickey! you get our hopes up for an awesome new version and then this...
seriously though:
--- Quote from: Mickey Kudlo on October 12, 2017, 12:57:13 pm ---I may be able to make minor code changes/requests to V3 server/client in the future if someone opens a serious world.
--- End quote ---
how minor are you talking? for example the new magic system we were all hoping to see(I definitely like the new research interface), any chances there may be some revamps in there?
Can you please open up /traderbuy? I don't know what the intention was for the removal but how am I supposed to sell things and make money without a trader? My character is bugged and won't attack so I don't have many options..
--- Quote from: Acamus on October 15, 2017, 02:29:43 pm ---My character is bugged and won't attack so I don't have many options..
--- End quote ---
restart your pc. extremely old glitch...but you can still use magic attacks with that glitch(weird one right).
as far as selling anything most of the people still playing have 3-5 accounts and make all their own crap. only way to make cash is selling random crap to trader joe or mining gold and forging coins.
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