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Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« on: August 21, 2017, 07:01:12 pm »
So i'm pretty sure you have an idea for what you are going to do for Damon on the wand/orb side on Upira (since they aren't in yet). But since the Artifact Orb is already in the game and it's dynamic just like damon weapons. It doesn't make sense to add another dynamic wand. And the fact that all damon weapons are wands as well, means mages need something a lil extra too.

My idea's (2) are a Damon Rune. Now this can be an unbreakable rune or need to be recharged like a wand with mana stone. It shouldn't completely break though because of rarity of Damon. Now my first idea is to have this rune be the lvl 5 rune for lvl 5 attack spells and/or lvl 5 boosts. Even make it for lvl 3 stamina to mana where you get positive mana to stamina trade off and also do higher +'s to armor. Now the only downfall to this idea in theory up front is that you need to have high enough black/white/whatever magic to cast lvl 5 spells and since the damon weapons are only 100 skill to arm that's not very fair. One way this could be fixed is by allowing those spells to be used with much lower magic lvl than what it should if it was scaled accordingly because damon is so rare. However, this would allow a very low lvl mage to become very powerful early on if you were to find damon early or remake. So then next resolution leads to my next idea, which i think would only benefit black mages (unless ideas merged).

Make a spell or spells that require the damon rune and make the spell dynamic in damage. So I can learn "Meteor Strike Other" and it isn't scaled I, II, III, IV. But rather the damage is scaled dynamically like weapons are within the spell itself depending on players black magic level.

You could even mix the two idea's to make it beneficial still to be able to use say the damon rune to cast lvl 5 spells or stam to mana III etc. if you have the cast spell required or cast the dynamic spell. You could even make multiple runes, however i think Damon is rare enough to be able to do this with 1 rune. If anything, 1 rune per magic but that may be a bit much and you can go around it by resmithing the rune if need be. You could also merge the two ideas to make dynamic boost spells, amor plus's, renewals etc. too (which would probably only benefit at a higher skill level depending on scaling).

*Bonus spell idea: Mega or Ultima Renewal. Cast's all three or two renewals at once (casting them all separate is just adding extra time). Or even better, "Dynamic Renewal Aura Self" - Creates renewals with dynamic renewal quantity but with a TIMER like boosts rather than fuel amount. Catch, only 1 Aura on at a time? So you gotta choose then have normal renewals for the rest? Or have option for the ultima and cast all 3 but for a much higher skill requirement?


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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2017, 08:52:42 pm »
Make a spell or spells that require the damon rune and make the spell dynamic in damage. So I can learn "Meteor Strike Other" and it isn't scaled I, II, III, IV. But rather the damage is scaled dynamically like weapons are within the spell itself depending on players black magic level.
ooo dynamic spells sound awesome, but not possible unless he completely reworks the magic system.  I know he said he was planning to do this, but it won't happen for a while.  that said no point asking for him to add damon magic stuff on Upira since that would be an ini issue when most of the stuff we want is hard coded...

still an awesome idea though for something long term.
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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2017, 09:42:46 am »
Well yea I mean he is developing Upira for the long term. Was informed he most likely will be working on it for the rest of the year. If this is how he is wanting to move forward for the future, no point in putting it to the side and leaving mage char's in the dust. Start the work and get it coded. Rework the ini's and make it happen. That's the good thing about the Dev being active in the current build. These things can become possible. Hoping Mick will chime in his thoughts so we actually know where it's going and if something like this is a possibility.

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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2017, 02:44:12 pm »
Rework the ini's and make it happen. That's the good thing about the Dev being active in the current build. These things can become possible. Hoping Mick will chime in his thoughts so we actually know where it's going and if something like this is a possibility.
as I said, with the current magic system this isn't possible.  even if it was, and he is planning a revamp on the magic system(a good thing) wouldn't it be better to let him work on that instead of ini files that will be useless once he actually does work on the magic system?

again I like the idea, and I'm not saying don't make suggestions for the future magic system.  all I'm asking is can we let magic go until he actually decides to reworks the system? 

making major ini changes for a system that is going to be different soon makes no sense.  ask for all the things you want in the new magic system, but not for ini changes.

ps: I'm sure there will be several wipes along the way as he codes new stuff, so don't get mad that it isn't here now.
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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2017, 05:55:03 pm »
I feel you dude. I just haven't been informed specifically how he is planning on changing magic (so who knows if it would be possible now or not). Do you know how they are being changed? I don't think magic.ini is going completely away (need some way to code new spells). I'm guessing he will change it more like how he changed skills. I haven't seen what the V3 server files look like but i was told Skills can now be changed how you want per server instead of them being hard coded. So this makes me believe that skills were changed to an .ini format to be editable. (This is what broke magic casting monsters in the beginning of Upira.) I totally agree, if the system is changing don't waste any time on it now. BUT, I'm a mage on Upira and I found some damon that I can't use. Adding in my first idea wouldn't take too much effort to give it meaning for a mage in the current build.

However, I guess what I really meant is that I hope he doesn't leave this for one of the last things he does. Mages may be strong but they have always has certain disadvantages so seeing how he is developing right now, i'd like to get some serious thought into the subject than it just pop up and worked on last minute. Get an idea of how it will be changed to see what even will be possible. I really like the thought of Dynamic spells. Even changing all spells to Dynamic makes sense IRL. This would make the whole casting system need a revamp though I think.

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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2017, 05:57:36 pm »
what makes u think this isnt possible with current magic system?

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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2017, 08:40:11 pm »
what makes u think this isnt possible with current magic system?
because if you've ever worked with server files(even the defaults) you'll see a file called magic.ini.  in that file at the very top it explains all the different things you can do with magic spells.  this is 1 of the many things that would be nice to have in magic that just can't be done.

@Soapy, a few things:
1-I don't think he has a plan yet so feel free to make suggestions to what you'd like to see in the new magic system.  maybe you'll get them maybe you won't.  hopefully this is something he'll add.
2-there has always been a skills.ini file.  there were just a few skills that were a little screwed up in there and couldn't be removed/renamed without causing some issues.
3-I'm pretty sure there will be a wipe before he touches magic.  so sorry to say this, but your damon is probably useless.

should we instead just use this thread for suggesting things we'd like to see with the new magic system?  if so I know some stuff I wanted to do when I was working on files that wasn't possible.  I think my biggest thing was trying to add a summoning skill that allowed the player to summon creatures that fight for a certain amount of time then go away(not perm like golems).
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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2017, 01:24:38 pm »

@Soapy, a few things:
1-I don't think he has a plan yet so feel free to make suggestions to what you'd like to see in the new magic system.  maybe you'll get them maybe you won't.  hopefully this is something he'll add.
2-there has always been a skills.ini file.  there were just a few skills that were a little screwed up in there and couldn't be removed/renamed without causing some issues.
3-I'm pretty sure there will be a wipe before he touches magic.  so sorry to say this, but your damon is probably useless.

should we instead just use this thread for suggesting things we'd like to see with the new magic system?  if so I know some stuff I wanted to do when I was working on files that wasn't possible.  I think my biggest thing was trying to add a summoning skill that allowed the player to summon creatures that fight for a certain amount of time then go away(not perm like golems).

1- This is not what this topic was about at all. I gave an idea for dynamic spells and gave a use for damon for mages since the Artifact Orb makes a Damon Orb unnecessary.
2- Yes i know this but i was informed it was changed a little bit and that's what caused magic attacking by monsters to be broken. Again, since none of us have seen any of the V3 files IDK what to expect here until they are available.
3- Of course there will be wipes. Upira is essentially the first test server for V3. So this is where we colab idea's and such like we currently are. This doesn't mean i can't suggest something for this current build and it won't be added. Didn't know you were mick's spokeperson for V3.

Lastly, I started this thread to touch on damon item for mages. Not to suggest new magic system. Go start a new thread for that. And so on top of that, quit replying to this thread just to say that this isn't currently possible or it won't happen for some time. I KNOW THIS. This is a thread with my idea's to what can be in the future of the game. The fact that if he did something now for it would be nice, but not what i'm asking.

So either contribute to the topic of this thread with new ideas for DAMON items for MAGES since they are getting the short end of the stick right now with Damon. Or go start your own new thread bro.
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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2017, 06:30:44 pm »
1-I liked your dynamic damage idea, and said it would be nice to see it.  not sure why you're mad about that.
2-you were misinformed.  the changes made were to the actual game code.
3-there was a server called "Test" for V3 open for several months, this isn't the first V3 test.

Lastly(this should be 4 but I'll stick with your scale)-I'll say it again, I like the idea for dynamic damage on spells.  I like it even more that it comes from a rune that would be rare.  however as to why I replied the way I did, well:
you asked for our thoughts...

my thoughts are once he begins working on magic there will likely be quite a few usages for damon items for mages.  wands, orbs, staves, and maybe even damon studded armor(since that is what he's using as mage armors for now).  not trying to upset you, but if you ask for someone's thoughts you shouldn't get mad when they give them.  however since you seem to not care for anyone's thoughts even after asking for them I'll leave your thread.  have a nice day.
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Re: Damon Weapon/item for Mages Upira
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2017, 10:36:52 am »
Artifact Orb should NOT be in game. That was a mistake. Thus for now Damon Wand can be the same... just need to make it... make-able.

Magic users should be able to make a Damon Dagger and use that assuming a min Dagger skill of 100.

I had posted my magic change ideas somewhere... I don't want to change things too much though. Some dynamic-ness would be good but got other things on plate now.
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