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Mickey Kudlo:
May 18, 2017
· added ore wands, orbs ,staffs and mauls
· wands are normal behaving
· orbs reduce cast time but increase mana used
· magic staffs and mauls are weapons and wands but they increase cast time

Mickey Kudlo:
Version 3.04 (05/22/17)
· a LOT of skill changes
· all the hard coded skill names are no longer... hard coded, skill.ini now has settings for skills that the server needs, like the new "MeleeDefense" setting will tell the server which skill to use for Melee Defense, when the V3 server is released for everyone, this will allow them to change the skill names all they want
· renamed "Melee Defense" to "Evasion" and merged "Missle Defense" into "Evasion"
· renamed "Magic Defense" to "Magic Resist" and it is now free
· dagger skill attributes are now DEX and INTEL
· staff skill attributes are now DEX and WISDOM
· removed some old skills like Read Ancient
· food changes: it takes 1 food away per 60 seconds now, it used to be every 40 seconds
· max food is now 120 (used to be 500) thus it gives about 2 real hours of storage
· stamina regen costs food and will increase food usage a bit
· if stamina is full, then life regen is increased a bit
· adjusted some food values

Mickey Kudlo:
May 26, 2017
· added ore shields
· changed how shields work, they don't add to armor AL, they are actually active during combat and can block in coming hits and they don't use Stamina unless it a damaging hit above the shield AL, that way they have an advantage over 2-hand weapons with Weapon AL, or really an option
· tried to add a Shield skill but it seemed to conflict with Melee Defense / Evasion skills so shields use the Evasion skill for now
· btw, i had disabled all magic attacks from monsters because of the last skill changes, i will get them back someday
· improved the Spell Research window to make it a little easier

Mickey Kudlo:
June 1, 2017
· improved Rune Bag window
· changed the Guard button, it now toggles from Peace, Defend, Offensive modes. Peace doesn't attack at all. Defend only attacks things that attack them. Offensive attacks anything in range
· tweaked shields, a heavy hit (damage over the AL) will do at least 1% damage to the shield plus stamina damage
· fixed/changed repairing, V1/V2 had it where you use the weapon/armor on an anvil, the anvil is the focus object, but now it is swapped around, a hammer is the tool and the focus is the item to be repaired, it basically breaks any old repair usages
· items in carry and armed have a green life bar on the right vertical side, it isn't real time but close enough

Mickey Kudlo:
July 28, 2017

Wiped world and opened a permanent world called Upira.


Lots of changes... some I remember... some I don't :)

* Land Parcels 10x10 with costs at 250 for the first 4 and doubles after that: 1000, 2000, 4000, etc. No limit.
* Alchemy is now a mineral and organic mix. Combos get randomized at world creation. Added 10 rose bush and 10 shroom colors that are for alchemy. Not all organics are used in potions.
* Got natural map creation done with biomes. Keeping it simple for now with just 5 latitude based biomes (top to bottom): arctic(cold), tundra(cool), plains(mild), arid(warm), desert(hot). They each get their own surface. I spread the plants out among the biomes.
* Map has starter town only. Other towns will be made by Guilds when I get the code going.
* Cave quests auto-generated. Coded a procedure to add a cave quest to each sector. The farther from the start spot, the harder they get. They have minerals and other ore loot.
Planned or Known Issues:

* Magic monsters broken. Need to code so they use magic.ini spells. They were using old V1 magic code.
* No magic changes yet. Need to go over mine and your notes and see what we were thinking. Hmm, not sure if runes makable now? eeek!
* Guild Towns: a way for guilds to build towns, get NPCs, make roads, etc
* Other auto-generated quest types: maze, castle, forest, etc
* Monster make over. Need to go thru all monsters and revamp, edit, add more, set biome locations, etc. Added about 100 new ones for caves.


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