General > RPGWO V3
Current Task
Mickey Kudlo:
Hello, I figured I should let everyone know what I am doing, since lately it is a lot of work I can't really update the server with yet.
* New ores, mining, making bars, heating bars
* removed mining the old ores, removed molds and filled crucibles
* added ore picks and hammers, usage to make them
* added ore daggers, usage to make, Dagger skill is free, nerfed daggers, removed old daggers
* added ore swords, usage to make, removed old swords
* added ore axes, etc
* added or maces, etc
Working on or Planned:
* ore scythe, flail, spear, staff, ua, bow, xbow, throwing
* ore armors, leather armor, studded leather armor
Then I think I will start a new world for testing them all. Hopefully by May.
Mickey Kudlo:
* Ore Weapons: Spear, Staff, Flail, UnArmed, Throwing
* Blacksmith making ore weapons:
* Use <Ore Item> on <hot pit> to get <Ore Ingot> (<Ore Item> is mined ore or any item made with that ore)
* Use <Ore Ingot> on <hot pit> to get <Heated Ore Ingot>
* Use <Ore Hammer> on <Heated Ore Ingot> to get <Ore Item>
Working On or Planned:
* Ore Weapons: Bows, X-Bow, Scythes
* Minor code tweaks here and there
Mickey Kudlo:
Updated with all the new ores and weapons.
Will work on tools since they got broken or difficult to make cuz of ore changes.
Gonna let the dust settle before I do armor, wands and other items.
I am doing code changes/fixes as I go. Like I already coded dual Weapon/Wand items but none in world yet.
Mickey Kudlo:
Working on armor this week.
- pure ore armor will have ManaDenial on it, the better the metal, the higher the denial, basically the metal interferes with mana regeneration, might do casting penalties but will see how this works for now
- adding studded leather that will not have ManaDenial but the AL is lower
- thinking about adding robes that would have ManaRenewal but the AL is even lower, probably
Mickey Kudlo:
Working on:
* fletching and ammo re-work, want to reduce number of skills needed to make arrows and bolts
* want arrows and bolts to always be re-usable, missed ammo falls to ground, hit ammo goes into target Carry and is dropped at death
* arrows and bolts can break after being shot but can be re-worked back into ammo
Near Future:
* Ore wands: wand, orb, short staff, long staff. Each will have a uniqueness to it, not sure yet, but the staffs will also be weapons.
* Ore shields, might also add Shield skill
* Thinking of Evasion skill that combines Melee and Missile Defense
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