Also when I explained to him that he was exploiting a bug and how it was a bug, he continued being disrespectful and being an overall bad ‘influence’ because he was talking down to me, the admin of the server, blowing me off like my points of view were invalid. This is EXACTLY the same as going up to one’s employer and telling them that everything they are paying to to do is null and void and that they should let you whatever you want to do.
Maybe I don't understand your post fully but it sounds like you messed up and allowed players to memorize on quest land? If that's the case that's your fault and not a bug. You screwed up and should log into every account and re-memorize the warps. Players are players and you cannot blame them for taking advantage of your mistakes. Fix what you messed up.
I have taken note because you're right, I should have handled it differently. I will do better next time!
Also when I explained to him that he was exploiting a bug and how it was a bug, he continued being disrespectful and being an overall bad ‘influence’ because he was talking down to me, the admin of the server, blowing me off like my points of view were invalid. This is EXACTLY the same as going up to one’s employer and telling them that everything they are paying to to do is null and void and that they should let you whatever you want to do.
This is not a job - it's an online video game. If you can't take a little smack talk from players or deal with them when they are upset step down now.
You're right, thanks for taking my statement out of context, like everyone else is doing. Let me clarify:
I am volunteering my time and money and putting the server up to try to make the game as civil as possible, apparently though it's okay to yell and spit at the one that feeds them, right?
Yeah they're players and I've been super lenient because the community count is so small! I should just let them all do they want, right? So that the project and time myself and my other admin put so much time into can be just wasted 100%.
I did /meteor for wolfs and giggles last night, but no Damon was spawned in doing so.
Why? So you can admin troll players and upset them?
I mean, I could just go around killing them. I mean that used to be okay, apparently, right?
Also, it seems that I have missed some key points to the original post.
I did not spawn anything for any single person (EXCEPT a few resin collectors as I failed to fixed them in two updates cus' I made mistakes in the code twice.). If I ever gave any single person an item they either paid for it with something of equal value, (ie. When I had to change the quest reward temporarily in the quest (because I didn't handle the situation correctly by logging into EVERYONE's accounts and changing their memorized warp locations!) into an item that does nothing and is unobtainable anywhere except that exact point, making it a .. token of sorts for the actual request that you have to give to an admin to claim.) If I did give anyone an item, such as food, etc or in this case a glass, which has the wrong image I did '/giveall glass' and there were quite a few people online.
and the item was generally useless!
I haven't given aid to any players with the spawning of monsters either! What on God's green earth would I have to gain from favoring one or two players? I did change a few duplicate monstercatagories in the overworld, for example the rat sector replaced a mongrim sector which we had FOUR of.
I mean can just be an admin that just does everything in the shadows, like you yeah? Except I can't, I'm not that kind of person. I am not getting paid to do this, as you said earlier it's not a job. I'm doing this because I want to. I want to be able to at least enjoy the server without people that aren't even playing the server going around bitching and moaning about how bad it is and how I am ruining the game based on a few audio clips and such that are taken completely out of context and skewed almost as well as a shady reporter. I am not saying I am perfect, however, but the amount of wolf that spewed and the number of assumptions that are made on a daily based on these 'shady' and biased claims has gotten WAY out of hand.
Thanks for all the appeals by the way, Roarion! Some of them are very informational and genuine concerns and you have been heard! I made changes to content you appealed about in a few of them and set them aside for the next update which is aimed for release for today! And then I went to bed, because I made silly decisions the last few nights in pushing myself to stay up WAY too late and get WAY too many hours of sleep to work on and interact with the community of this server. Sorry again for trying to keep the community alive and trying to come up with new things and ideas and such for the game!
Overall though, there have been many people that have told me I have done a good job and that I should keep up the good work!
For everyone that IS enjoying the server, Thank you and please continue to have fun!