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Should Mickey code RPGWO version 3 from base version 2 code? And would you pay for it?

Yes, I would pay $20
Yes, but I would not pay
Maybe, depends on features, etc
No and no
Other, post it

Author Topic: Real RPGWO Version 3  (Read 14401 times)

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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2015, 01:53:00 pm »
I have become a simulation realist of a sort, so if you have a cricket sound then I would want it being made by an actual cricket in game. Same with bird cherps, owl hoots, Admin UT screaming at players, etc.
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Offline Naed

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2015, 02:00:45 pm »
In reality how often do you see the cricket that is chirping...

I kept crickets for awhile, when one escapes, and starts chirping from somewhere, it's near impossible to locate them before they relocate and chirp from the other side of the room.

Offline Naed

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2015, 02:17:47 pm »
That mentality brings the right idea to mind.

If you are currently in a plains area, chances are you'll hear crickets.

If you are in a tundra area, changes are you'll hear nothing but wind, maybe cracking ice if by sea.

If you are in a forest you'll hear the rustling of trees, perhaps the occasional bird or squirrel.

If you are by a large body of water chances are you'll hear the waves, or if by a river rushing water, if by a brook a soft bubbling.

Detecting the changes in location don't sound easy, unless perhaps there is a predefined ambiance map generated with the worlds.

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Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2015, 03:29:50 pm »
I have become a simulation realist of a sort, so if you have a cricket sound then I would want it being made by an actual cricket in game. Same with bird cherps, owl hoots, Admin UT screaming at players, etc.

I know what you mean and I remember having discussions with you about V4 or V5 .. whatever version it was .. about how everything should have a logical source. However, I think much of the ambiance should be simulated.

The sound of crickets, birds, or even sound of wind rustling through leaves. To implement this in such a way where you need actual entities to represent each cricket, bird or gust of wind seems silly. Not only would you have the extra overhead of needing to keep track of these entities for which the player cannot interact with in any way, but if they're dynamically generated that's all the more odd effects you'll need to test and weed out.

To add to this, if there's no 2D sound and you just hear a sound played at your location with the same volume every time, it seems like you'd be going too far to fully implement a feature got little/no gain.

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Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2015, 10:50:05 pm »
I hate those damn crickets!  I always turn them off...
why does Fox keep cancelling good shows?

Offline Gulron

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2015, 12:20:11 pm »
Would play. RPGWO, good times.
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Ban me!

Offline Void

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2015, 08:38:56 pm »
bring back old school phobos.  we start with practically nothing. and have to make the world ourselfs.  Setup a life stone with a safe area.  And let us as a community build the towns in game ( you can add npcs after it reaches a certain rate of growth)  keep it simple and like the original,  sure most agree new ideas would be fun but right down to the core. it was the original experience we all miss.  I myself miss phobos and always have. And the people i played with back then. The enemies and friends i made. the thrill of the random Grayvyn Behemoth events where we all rushing for the exp. Dont know about you but i loved my old char and my Wrath of Void wand. And i dont care what anyone says, I loved Green Magic.  I mastered every spell in the game on my own.  Was the first accual player character to master and be able to cast every spell in the game.  I remember when i was able to cast Meteor II the first thing that was said was by @@@admin Jon " oh great.. Void learned and can cast Meteor II.. Its all over now"  memories like these are what bring me back after soo many years. 

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2015, 11:34:21 am »
@Void, yeah I like the empty worlds better too. Not just from an admin point of view of needing to build it for players but just giving the players/tradeskillers the chance to build it naturally. Even interacting with NPCs to help them build somehow. I think the facebook version had this where you put materials in something then do usage on it then a house would pop up and get an NPC to use it. Issues we can talk about in the RPGWO 3 forum.

The phobos you must have played was not run by me. Maybe by Jon? Cuz I never added green magic or the spells you mention.
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Offline Jon The Great

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2015, 12:22:30 pm »
Yeah I had green magic I think posted the ini's i used on the forums here somewhere.

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Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2015, 01:52:01 pm »
The empty world thing only worked because the community was actually active back then. Most any server was only made good because of the community at the time.

There were plenty of players to allow for fruitful competition, trading and fun. This is not the case these days and more often than not an "empty" world does not last long at all.

People seem to forget that these servers weren't fun because of how they started, they were fun because those who played made them that way.
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Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2015, 02:13:40 pm »
I think one important factor of having a completely open world is PVP. If the game is going to be purely about survival, surviving other players should be a factor.

Offline uderghad

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2015, 05:32:27 am »
That mentality brings the right idea to mind.

If you are currently in a plains area, chances are you'll hear crickets.

If you are in a tundra area, changes are you'll hear nothing but wind, maybe cracking ice if by sea.

If you are in a forest you'll hear the rustling of trees, perhaps the occasional bird or squirrel.

If you are by a large body of water chances are you'll hear the waves, or if by a river rushing water, if by a brook a soft bubbling.

Detecting the changes in location don't sound easy, unless perhaps there is a predefined ambiance map generated with the worlds.

couldnt u just have an if statement that set up biomes based on amount of landmass its near like terraria. then set sounds in world ini based on biomes?

Offline Azreal

Re: Real RPGWO Version 3
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2015, 05:54:42 am »
bit late to the show on this one but have you thought of something like kickstarter to get a game off the ground, you could lay out your goals and how much money you would like to have for them, and you could give donators at the $20 mark a copy of the game for donating (still getting the $20 for the game and can see intrest before really throwing yourself at it) also would say look at steam as well if its good enough to warrent the $20 fee you could put it on there and reach a much wider market, i have found some really good and highly under rated games in the deep areas of steam :P, only down side of steam is there is a lot of what people are calling Minecraft clones on there, and while i know RPGWO was around long before minecraft was a thing dont everyone will see this.

as i say know i'm a little late to the party but i really loved this game and remember playing it when it was fisrt ever up when there was only a few sectors and "Big ol' Gray Balls" were an enemy :P so i would love to see this game go forward and you to actually get some money from doing something we all love

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