Dynamic Monsters:
Was thinking the farther from the start sector, the more starting XP/Level a monster is given.
For example, lets say the map is 2000x2000 and all Plains terrain which just has Gray Rats as monster.
For each sector away from the start sector, when a Gray Rat is spawned, it given sector distance X 5 skill to unarmed, life, etc.
Thus the farther you venture out, the more risk. Otherwise I would need to create different monsters for each range away from start.
I have seen other ways to deal with this creating dynamic monster names and stats.
Or just define certain monsters at certain sector distances. Gray Rat (0-1), Black Rat(2-3), Crimson Rat(4-5), etc
The code for any of these would be some what easy to do.
Dynamically Expanding Map:
This idea would basically give unlimited map size. Every time you enter a new sector, it creates it. So you can walk in a straight line forever.
But the monsters would get harder depending on how far away from start sector you are. I could always limit how far you go.
Also could only have the map loaded if a player or NPC is near to save memory and CPU.
The animals and plants could be processed once per v-day: load, process, save and unload.
Would give higher level players places to go plus give unlimited resources via mining and such.
This would be a lot of coding and changes but better to do it now when the game is young.
For some reason I thought I started coding it this way but it went another way so it might not be too much coding but still a month long.
Anyways, just seeing what players think.