So long story short here is everything you would need to run the RPGWO Hex server. Hex will be a year old in March, the server may remain open if someone wants to pay me 14$ a month or I decide to make RPGWO Hex2.
NOTES - Some general stuff.
-Do not try to use these files to make/accept money from other players. I have made roughly -180$ making this server along with countless hours of the time I put into it.
-I will post toptens later.
-Give credit where credit is due!
-Look through everything in this folder before you start working on something. OPEN ALL THE FILES!
-Have questions? Post here and ask me!
ABOUT THE FILES - Wanted to list some key features of why you might want to use these files.
-A year of work put in debugging, I fixed every appeal players asked for.
-Tons of quests provided.
-Weapons up to 1500, balanced for the most part.
-Ability to write on all weapons, remake all weapons.
-New skills such as Warfan/Hammer.
-Brand new ini files. Some made from scratch such as monster.ini.
-Lots and lots of other awesome stuff.
CLOSING - Stuff to say.
-Thanks Mickey for making RPGWO.
-Thanks Miggi for some image help.
-Thanks Teemo for a bit of server help at the start.
-Thanks to other servers for files (Modern, Pyramid, etc).
-Thanks to anyone who has worked to make the RPGWO files better.
-Thanks to anyone whose images are used in these files. I had a credits list but lost it.
-Thanks to everyone who played! Hope you had fun!
THE GOODS - Enjoy. Give Credit. Continue the change-log.