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Author Topic: Classic RPGWO  (Read 83237 times)

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Offline Daegan

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2006, 03:57:54 pm »


IT is 10% planning and 90% trying to fix everything that didn’t go as planned.

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2006, 04:45:22 pm »
:    Mickey Kudlo <>
     "''" <>, "Kermit (E-mail)"
c:      "''" <>
bject: Phobos - Spelialists
e:    Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:43:08 -0800

OK, the upgrading is now level * 100.
Any member over the rank of squire must be demoted back to squire.
I think crossbowman and wicken are the same level as squire.

Added a lot of members...

<race> Catapult - takes one male/builder one turn to make catapult
   - then needs 2 male/females converted to control it, so remove
              2 instead of 1 basiclly
   - it upgrades to veteran then to elite

<race> Miner - convert one male/female to get, adds 500 gold per turn
    - can clear out a 10x5 area underground each turn

<race> Alchemist - convert one male/female to get, gives 20 potions per turn

<race> Farmer - convert one male/female to get, doubles output of one 5x5
   - so instead of one farm supporting 5 members, it supports 10

<race> Builder - convert one male/female to get, allows double building per

All these specialist still require a female and a house in order to work.

To clarify a male can...
   - mine a 5x5 area and get 250 gold per turn

   - produce 10 potions per turn
   - build a 5x5 area per turn

OK, the upgrading is now level * 100.
Any member over the rank of squire must be demoted back to squire.
I think crossbowman and wicken are the same level as squire.

Added a lot of members...

<race> Catapult - takes one male/builder one turn to make catapult
        - then needs 2 male/females converted to control it, so remove
              2 instead of 1 basiclly
        - it upgrades to veteran then to elite

<race> Miner - convert one male/female to get, adds 500 gold per turn
        - can clear out a 10x5 area underground each turn

<race> Alchemist - convert one male/female to get, gives 20 potions per turn

<race> Farmer - convert one male/female to get, doubles output of one 5x5 farm
        - so instead of one farm supporting 5 members, it supports 10

<race> Builder - convert one male/female to get, allows double building per turn

All these specialist still require a female and a house in order to work.

To clarify a male can...
        - mine a 5x5 area and get 250 gold per turn
        - produce 10 potions per turn
        - build a 5x5 area per turn

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2006, 04:46:05 pm »
----------------------  Forwarded Message:  ---------------------
Frm:    Mickey Kudlo <>
T:      "''" <>, "Kermit (E-mail)"
C:      "''" <>
Sbject: RPGWO /ally commands
Dte:    Tue, 1 Apr 2003 14:22:58 -0800

OK, to add a race monster you MUST use
 /addrace <monstername>
or the monster will be removed on next reboot and the ally code will not
work on them

The word <race> is only a phrase that is contained in the monsters name,
like grayvyn or dino
and is not defined anyplace or hard coded in anyway.

The default behavior for a race monster is...
 - all players are enemies and will be attacked on sight
 - all monsters (even other races) are friends and will be ignored

The /ally command have a few formats...

/ally <race>         - will give friend and enemy lists for
/ally <race>, <playerName>   - will add or remove a player from the ally
list of <race>
/ally <race>, <monsterName>   - will add or remove the monster catagory of
<monsterName> to enemy list

The <playerName> functionality is pretty straight forward but the
and catagory is not...Basically each monster has a catagory, like grayvyns
are all 100

and dinos are all 120. The ally goes by catagory to make thngs easier when
with monsters. So if you add something like Evil Elf, you will get others
like Giant Roach
that don't really fit. But if you add Grayvyn Child, then you get ALL of the

As far as rules with players and allys... do what you want.

Players in ally list can still attack the <race> but the <race> will defend

Tames will attack <race> always unless set to ignore monsters.
Not sure if I should add a /tameignorerace <race>  or something.

OK, to add a race monster you MUST use
 /addrace <monstername>
or the monster will be removed on next reboot and the ally code will not work on them

The word <race> is only a phrase that is contained in the monsters name, like grayvyn or dino
and is not defined anyplace or hard coded in anyway.

The default behavior for a race monster is...
 - all players are enemies and will be attacked on sight
 - all monsters (even other races) are friends and will be ignored

The /ally command have a few formats...

/ally <race>                    - will give friend and enemy lists for <race>
/ally <race>, <playerName>      - will add or remove a player from the ally list of <race>
/ally <race>, <monsterName>     - will add or remove the monster catagory of <monsterName> to enemy list

The <playerName> functionality is pretty straight forward but the <monsterName>
and catagory is not...Basically each monster has a catagory, like grayvyns are all 100
and dinos are all 120. The ally goes by catagory to make thngs easier when dealing
with monsters. So if you add something like Evil Elf, you will get others like Giant Roach
that don't really fit. But if you add Grayvyn Child, then you get ALL of the Grayvyns.

As far as rules with players and allys... do what you want.

Players in ally list can still attack the <race> but the <race> will defend themselves.

Tames will attack <race> always unless set to ignore monsters.
Not sure if I should add a /tameignorerace <race>  or something.

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2006, 05:06:21 pm »
Yeah, you can poke around.
Look for windows platform hosting with remote access and GUI.
If you can find anything, heh. I had a hell of a time finding
the current host, Liberty.
You can also look for ISPs that do "shared" site service. Where
you provide the hardware and software, they just hook it up
to the web and give it a static IP.

-----Original Message-----
Fro: Joey Fredette []
Set: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:28 AM
T: Mickey Kudlo;;;;
Subject: Re: RPGWO Story....

Wow, College Professor playing RPGWO, this'll be intresting, I assume its in
some sort of Computer class eh? *needs to study so He'll understand the
mumbo jumbo the prof'll be spittin out...  *

and do you want us to poke around for Server-host possibilitys? if so, what
do you want by terms of Speed and Price, obviously something fast... but
Details, I need Details!

-Vacationing Daddeo

----- Original Message -----
From: Mickey Kudlo <>
To: <>; <>; Kermit (E-mail)
<>; <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:14 AM
Subject: RPGWO Story....

> Hey y'all,
> Yesterday in one of my Masters classes, I gave an oral presentation.
> Before we go over the subject, we talk about ourselves personally.
> I mentioned that my hobby is Game Programming. They wanted
> to see more, so I showed them the website. They wanted to see
> more, so eventually I ended up running the game and talking about
> it to the entire class of like 20 studentd and the professor. The
> professor was the most curious and he is like 60 years old. I
> think I talked about my game more than the actual subject I
> was supposed to talk about, LOL. Anywho, this might mean
> more ppl playing and the word spreading on my campus.
> Just another chapter in the saga of RPGWO!
> Later,
> Mickey
> PS: I think we need a new server host. Just too many ppl playing
> lately. I am researching some possibilities.

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2006, 05:07:17 pm »
I have all the old admin forum posts from the ezboard forum anyone want them?

Offline Light Elf

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2006, 05:08:43 pm »

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2006, 05:09:01 pm »
My very first email with Mickey

From :    Mickey Kudlo <>
Sent :    Tuesday, December 5, 2000 12:01 AM
To :    "''" <>
Subject :    Lighting effects

Received: from [] by (3.2) with ESMTP id MHotMailBBF57B940046400431570C6CA13C0E850; Mon Dec 04 16:02:28 2000
Received: by 29EX with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)id <X3AP4N9S>; Mon, 4 Dec 2000 16:02:38 -0800
From Mon Dec 04 16:02:49 2000
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)
View E-mail Message Source

Content-Type: text/plain

Hey there!
I am making a online RPG in VB and would like to see your code for lighting
The effect where you say you use masks to do.
Of course if you are willing. Please!
My game is at

Offline Twin Dragons

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2006, 05:18:22 pm »
heh thats kewl that mick found u and not the other way around
Realms Of Khaos
A Realm Amidst Khaos


Bubbles! Oh come on Sharon! I'm tigering Ozzy Osbourne, I'm the Prince of tigering Darkness. Evil! Evil! What's tigering evil about a wolfload of bubbles!?
- Ozzy Osbourne

Offline Daegan

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2006, 05:59:35 pm »
its interesting to read these Jon. Kinda shows how mick *used* to give a tiger about the game from a different perspective.

Glad you kept this old data for the enjoyment of the new and older players man.

BTW get Ravyn ungrounded ffs.

IT is 10% planning and 90% trying to fix everything that didn’t go as planned.

Offline The Muffin Man

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2006, 09:47:56 pm »
gah.. talk about oldskool... lol dae

Offline Dan

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2006, 09:50:47 pm »
when jon gets back he may have some more stuffs for ya

Offline Pirate Wings

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2006, 10:24:12 pm »
I'm finding all this interesting
This isn't a signature, you just think it is

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2006, 10:42:21 pm »
Ok here's one for tonight

Me getting admin on phobos heh.

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C3E107.58C3FD4C"

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latest map

-----Original Message-----
Frm: Jon  []
Snt: Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:35 AM
o: Mickey Kudlo
Subect: RE: Phobos adminship

Yes sir and will remain a good rock to the end.
Thank you Mickey for trusting me.

>From: "Mickey Kudlo" <>
>To: "Jon_the_Great (E-mail)" <>
>Subject: Phobos adminship
>Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 08:33:09 -0800
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Received: from ([]) by
>with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6824); Thu, 22 Jan 2004 08:33:10 -0800
>X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jEbguWnKmrerhCIRPChyWoL
>content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.6249.0
>Message-ID: <>
>X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: Phobos adminship
>Thread-Index: AcPhBWvivypPKvj4SnSkYSU1rYHU1g==
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 22 Jan 2004 16:33:10.0327 (UTC)
>Also, keep in mind that I have basically given you control of Phobos.
>I feel this is a big responsibility that you can handle. In light of Joe's
>actions, I really don't trust anyone anymore. I suggest you use it wisely.
>Not really sure what more to say except rpgwo admins have a rocky
>history, heh. Be a "good" rock, not a bad .... cock, pffft.

Learn how to choose, serve, and enjoy wine at Wine @ MSN.

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Offline Daegan

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2006, 10:52:20 pm »
Ok here's one for tonight

Me getting admin on phobos heh.
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C3E107.58C3FD4C"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

latest map

-----Original Message-----
Frm: Jon  []
Snt: Thursday, January 22, 2004 8:35 AM
o: Mickey Kudlo
Subect: RE: Phobos adminship
Yes sir and will remain a good rock to the end.
Thank you Mickey for trusting me.

>From: "Mickey Kudlo" <>
>To: "Jon_the_Great (E-mail)" <>
>Subject: Phobos adminship
>Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 08:33:09 -0800
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Received: from ([]) by
>with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6824); Thu, 22 Jan 2004 08:33:10 -0800
>X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jEbguWnKmrerhCIRPChyWoL
>content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.6249.0
>Message-ID: <>
>X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: Phobos adminship
>Thread-Index: AcPhBWvivypPKvj4SnSkYSU1rYHU1g==
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 22 Jan 2004 16:33:10.0327 (UTC)
>Also, keep in mind that I have basically given you control of Phobos.
>I feel this is a big responsibility that you can handle. In light of Joe's
>actions, I really don't trust anyone anymore. I suggest you use it wisely.
>Not really sure what more to say except rpgwo admins have a rocky
>history, heh. Be a "good" rock, not a bad .... cock, pffft.

Learn how to choose, serve, and enjoy wine at Wine @ MSN.
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giggle mickey said cock.

Anyhow this is all interesting and i can't help but wonder whats making you want to share all this with us Jon, its like giving us exiles that mickster has apathy towards a view at what its like to not be that way or something else..

i dunno i've done my deep thoguhts for the day you get the leftovers

IT is 10% planning and 90% trying to fix everything that didn’t go as planned.

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2006, 10:55:42 pm »
More funny quotes

14:09.03 : personsmith globals:  hey mickey... ive helped Dark Knight start playing this game... and i was wondering... maybe you could... um maybe.. *cough* admin *cough*
14:09.03 : KiTk tells you: how much did it hit you for?>
14:09.10 : You tell KiTk : 37
14:09.17 : KiTk globals:  no admins on this server.
14:09.19 : Sam globals:  Shut up, what a moron
14:09.30 : Logan has left the world.
14:09.39 : You tell KiTk : lol
14:09.40 : @@@Admin Phobos globals:  Jon the Great has helped lotsa ppls but he is not admin
14:09.47 : Frost has entered the world.
14:09.54 : KiTk. killed Frost.
14:09.59 : @@@Admin Phobos globals:  helps ppl find the Life stone
14:10.01 : Jon The Great globals:  i am too evil anyway
14:10.09 : You tell KiTk : LOL
14:10.13 : KiTk tells you: DAM
14:10.19 : KiTk globals:  jon the great also stole and raped alot of people....thats why he's not admin  DAM U MICKEY
14:10.35 : You killed Dark Sithareen.
14:10.37 : Logan has entered the world.
14:10.44 : You killed Dark Sithareen.
14:10.51 : Logan has left the world.
14:10.52 : Your Crossbow is now 296 . 124625 XP till next raise.
14:10.53 : @@@Admin Phobos globals:  not even UT is admin here... I dont think

18:21.07 : SERVER says :hmm, bad news... I need to shut down the whole machine for the weekend...
18:21.26 : SERVER says :the machine was hacked and the host is gonna redo the machine better
18:21.45 : SERVER says :just ask Jon, heh
18:22.19 : SERVER says :I am gonna move phobos to Lunatik machine for the weekend tho
18:22.34 : SERVER says :Lib goes down too for the weekend
18:23.01 : SERVER says h, no level limit on bitch owning, it all depends if you can kill them
18:40.15 : You tell @@@Admin Phobos : radmin doesn't have a problem. its fine its the people who you trust

4/27/2005 12:14:29 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: Jon is toasted
4/27/2005 12:15:14 PM : Steamcastle says: so do you like toast?
4/27/2005 12:16:08 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: Steam, do you like death? Quit the Borg or go the way of Jon... toast
4/27/2005 12:17:30 PM : Steamcastle says: but then I don't have an Alliance to be in.
4/27/2005 12:20:15 PM : Steamcastle says: I'll Quit if I can be in yours
4/27/2005 12:21:35 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: hmm, on the condition that you can never quit else you will be my enemy
4/27/2005 12:22:53 PM : Steamcastle says: okay
4/27/2005 12:23:26 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: actually, with Jon wiped out, the Borg will disband when he resets
4/27/2005 12:23:57 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: So, just a truce for now, don't attack me else I will declare war on you without mercy
4/27/2005 12:24:33 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: Draco is my target this day.... actually, I need to finish coding... been obsessed with killing jon for payback
4/27/2005 12:24:48 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: gotta do a major update to this here game
4/27/2005 12:26:23 PM : Steamcastle says: okay then but I'll still like to be in your Alliance
4/27/2005 12:31:12 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: I need to make some alliance code changes cuz it too easy for someone to join, get explored land then quit
4/27/2005 12:31:25 PM : Jon The Great says: bah
4/27/2005 12:31:35 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: I need to make it so they have to stay in for like 1000 turns or something
4/27/2005 12:31:45 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: Payback is a bioootch
4/27/2005 12:32:02 PM : Lord of the Geeks says: Jon, you get an error on your main page?
4/27/2005 12:32:10 PM : Jon The Great says: yeah
4/27/2005 12:32:23 PM : Jon The Great says: don't think i can reset
4/27/2005 12:32:45 PM : Jon The Great says: dam u i can't believe you found them all

21:48.27 : Ruchmathar modsays:  ok
21:48.46 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  assume that means no new worlds? (as in no new admins hosting worlds)
21:48.58 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  that may still happen
21:49.05 : @@@Admin Rhaorth globals:  OK THANKS MICKEY! my mind just went into the gutter
21:49.18 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  rumor has it that it IS happening
21:49.49 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  Who said what? I have not decided anything
21:49.58 : Ruchmathar modsays:  heh, i have heard around a thousand rumours around since i came back to rpgwo a couple weeks ago
21:50.25 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  it is being said guin will be hosting one, and someone said that "someone
" did not mention names, will be hosting one as well...
21:50.28 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  no clue
21:50.55 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  Jon wants to buy the code but I said no
21:51.15 : TheUnderTaker modsays:  jon can go !@#$ himself
21:51.18 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  one thing you might want to take into consideration..... you will need to devote the time to train anyone who wants to host a world, remember training me?
21:51.31 : TheUnderTaker has left the world.
21:52.02 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  I ain't traiing anybody
21:52.13 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  then how would they know what to do? heh
21:52.22 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  not my problem heh
21:52.39 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  oh yes it would be LOL
21:52.58 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  If I were to die or whatever then Jon would be best candidate for getting code since he knows VB as well as me
21:53.21 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  I am so glad ut is not logged in to see that, I would not hear the end of it
21:53.28 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  but I doubt the code woudl ever get out if I died
21:53.29 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  and no I am not repeating it to him
21:54.18 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  yeah I am a bit biased when it comes to ut, but... why would jon take precidence over ut? how long has jon been involved? UT has done a lot, sure he has his mood swings and such.. we all do
21:54.24 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  UT doesn't code so I don't get it?
21:55.08 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  Jon or Scid... you choose, heh
21:55.22 : Ruchmathar modsays:  ugh, you make that choice easy
21:55.24 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  who else do I have some level of trust and can code VB6??
21:55.24 : @@@Admin Rhaorth globals:  he could learn, I am just saying to me it would be more fitting to have it go to the one who devoted more time...
21:55.31 : @@@Admin Rhaorth globals:  bah
21:55.37 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  I suck
21:55.54 : @@Admin Guinevere modsays:  question is... are you good at it
21:56.14 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  LOL mick if you are dead does it matter who can do what,. seriously though, morbid thoughts dear
21:56.15 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  I get lost in my code, jon would, UT would
21:56.29 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  I think it will die when you die
21:56.33 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  100,000+ lines is a bitch
21:56.59 : Ruchmathar modsays:  heh i just imagined 100k lines and not a single REM
21:57.16 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  some REM but not like dungeonfate heh
21:59.48 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  I should write doen all my passwords and a "will" of action concerninbg this game i guess
21:59.59 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  and send it to me yep
22:00.07 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  pffft
22:00.18 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  what? don't ya love me  *sniffle*
22:00.35 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  women and money don't mix heh
22:00.47 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  I am talkin gpaypal account, etc
22:00.57 : @@@Admin Rhaorth modsays:  bah keep the money
22:01.04 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays:  all my pron accounts too heh j

Offline @@Admin Nash

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2006, 11:03:43 pm »
lmao, gotta say this is the best thred on the forum atm lol

Offline Daegan

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2006, 11:05:41 pm »

I just wish i knew why scid became so trusted as seen:

21:55.08 : @@@Admin Mickey modsays: Jon or Scid... you choose, heh

I never did get this.. he tigered over libertah and got @@@ :\

oh well the injustice this game delivers astounds me.

lolz pronz

"women and money dont mix"
« Last Edit: April 04, 2006, 11:06:03 pm by Daegan »

IT is 10% planning and 90% trying to fix everything that didn’t go as planned.

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2006, 02:11:36 pm »
Dan 100 million XP

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2006, 02:14:44 pm »

Offline Jon The Great

Classic RPGWO
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2006, 02:15:37 pm »
Secret Admin Tabs!! I did not tell you this

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