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Author Topic: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls  (Read 23868 times)

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Offline Falcon

The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« on: December 31, 2011, 04:44:49 am »
23:01.10 : UT the Hated has entered the world.
23:01.22 : UT the Hated globals: ok im here now what
23:01.46 : Lady Arrayah globals: You're a mean, nasty, horrible man! *glares*
23:01.57 : UT the Hated globals: love you to hon
23:02.12 : Lady Arrayah globals: You lied to me.
23:02.16 : UT the Hated globals: i guess this is about earlier
23:02.32 : UT the Hated globals: yep it is damn ghostie got a big mouth
23:02.59 : UT the Hated globals: didnt lie... just didnt tell the truth
23:03.06 : Lady Arrayah globals: That's lying!
23:04.17 : You tell UT the Hated : It's not about the admin thing.
23:04.46 : UT the Hated tells you: lol ok what is it then heh
23:05.40 : You tell UT the Hated : Saying you were going to kill the world. -.-
23:05.52 : UT the Hated globals: lol
23:06.05 : UT the Hated globals: oohhhhhh
23:06.32 : Lady Arrayah globals: Are you laughing at me?
23:06.48 : UT the Hated globals: i better not lie again so YES i am
23:07.15 : Lady Arrayah globals: You're so not funny. -.-
23:07.26 : UT the Hated globals: i know that but you are :)
23:07.27 : Lady Arrayah globals: Everything else you do is funny, but that really wasn't.
23:07.39 : @@@Mr Admin Rebirth globals: lol O_O
23:07.54 : Lady Arrayah globals: And don't you start! I've had enough talking mules!
23:08.08 : UT the Hated globals: thats an old trick
23:08.22 : Lady Arrayah globals: He torched my guildhouse!
23:08.23 : @@@Mr Admin Rebirth globals: i had her fooled the first few times
23:08.41 : UT the Hated globals: maybe he thought it needed redecorating
23:09.00 : Lady Arrayah globals: No, you really didn't. LOL. I've been pissing about with the game since I first played on one of UT's worlds. I know what the server does and doesn't do. :P
23:09.23 : Lady Arrayah globals: I was just flirting with you. :P
23:10.29 : UT the Hated globals: poor poor Lady Arrayah
23:10.58 : Lady Arrayah globals: Anyways, back to you, Mr. UT. -.- Winding me up is fine, getting me killed is fine, talking mules are fine, hell even torching my guildhouse is fine. But DO NOT tell me horrible lies just to upset me.
23:11.26 : UT the Hated globals: ok :(
23:12.02 : You tell UT the Hated : Seriously, not cool. I'm not really all that mad but it did really suck. :(
23:12.32 : You tell UT the Hated : Especially since you implied that Gary didn't know.
23:12.44 : You tell UT the Hated : That's just really mean.
23:12.49 : UT the Hated globals: but if you want to play on an empty world with rebirth you can ill leave it up :)
23:13.05 : UT the Hated tells you: i never said anything about gary not knowing
23:13.34 : You tell UT the Hated : I didn't say you said, I said you implied. :P
23:13.54 : Lady Arrayah globals: I'm not the only one who likes this world, you know. :P
23:14.02 : UT the Hated tells you: no you read it as i implied it
23:14.18 : UT the Hated globals: i know gary likes it too :P
23:14.37 : You tell UT the Hated : Can't you just admit that you were being particularly cruel today and at least pretend you're sorry? :P
23:14.46 : UT the Hated tells you: nope
23:15.01 : You tell UT the Hated : Are you pissed at me for being pissed at you? :D
23:15.27 : UT the Hated tells you: you be dead by now :P
23:15.40 : You tell UT the Hated : Are you outside my window again then?
23:15.44 : You tell UT the Hated : LOL.
23:15.48 : UT the Hated tells you: i could be :)
23:15.58 : You tell UT the Hated : Same as the first time?
23:16.07 : UT the Hated tells you: maybe
23:16.22 : You tell UT the Hated : How're you doing with the third floor issue?
23:16.55 : UT the Hated tells you: third floor ?
23:17.06 : You tell UT the Hated : Yeah, I'd assume you can't fly. LOL.
23:17.29 : UT the Hated tells you: really
23:17.40 : UT the Hated globals: *UT falls from the sky*
23:18.39 : Lady Arrayah globals: Well, I doubt it was you who made that thump outside my window. :P
23:20.26 : UT the Hated globals: WOOOT today is a GREAT day another person taking me off there favorite list :)
23:21.06 : Lady Arrayah globals: I didn't say you weren't second favourite. :P
23:21.17 : UT the Hated globals: but im not top :)
23:22.53 : Lady Arrayah globals: Don't you like being on top, UT? :P
23:23.11 : UT the Hated globals: not all time
23:23.28 : UT the Hated globals: wow ppl are nicer these days
23:23.39 : @@@Mr Admin Rebirth globals: I'm a good influence
23:23.44 : Lady Arrayah globals: People generally aren't nice when you're a big bully. :P
23:24.10 : UT the Hated globals: you just upset so shush you :P
23:25.05 : Lady Arrayah globals: Not anymore. I'm going to make it my life's mission to nauseate you to death. If you want to be hated so bad, I'm going to love you to death. :D
23:25.32 : UT the Hated globals: aww you soooo Sweet
23:25.56 : Lady Arrayah globals: I love yoooooouuuu! *snuggles UT tightly*
23:26.07 : UT the Hated globals: i love you too Arrayah
23:26.35 : Lady Arrayah globals: You're so preeeeettty and lovely and the most awesome admin to ever have lived. (Apart from Rebirth.LOL.)
23:27.17 : UT the Hated globals: :) why ty :) you the best player on rpgwo and NEVER stops typing
23:27.34 : Lady Arrayah globals: UT?
23:27.41 : UT the Hated globals: yes honey
23:27.50 : Lady Arrayah globals: You're so !@#$ing awesome. :D
23:28.06 : @@@Mr Admin Rebirth globals: take your sloppiness to tells, you two
23:28.26 : Lady Arrayah globals: Shut it, or I'll start on you too. And I've got much more ammo to use on you because I know what you look like! :P
23:28.41 : UT the Hated globals: fine wanna come to my world honey ? atleast there no nasty rebirth there
23:29.02 : Lady Arrayah globals: Me?
23:29.17 : UT the Hated globals: well im not calling Rebirth honey
23:29.35 : Lady Arrayah globals: No baby, I want you both. At the same time.
23:32.28 : Lady Arrayah globals: UT, sweetie, baby, honey, darling! Don't go!
23:32.46 : Ninja Muffin globals: u gunna get married to
23:33.31 : Lady Arrayah globals: Ooooh! That's an AWESOME idea! Bella, will you be our bridesmaid?!?!? :D
23:33.57 : UT the Hated globals: oook im outa here
23:34.06 : Lady Arrayah globals: Please don't go!
23:34.11 : Ninja Muffin globals: okaii for u of course lady !!!
23:34.35 : Lady Arrayah globals: Look, UT! Bella is going to be our bridemaid! Please stay and talk wedding stuff with us!
23:35.29 : Ninja Muffin globals: Yeaa come on UT !!!
23:36.40 : Volgren globals: lul o.o... he's busy hanging at nub island with me :P
23:37.25 : Lady Arrayah globals: UT, I understand that you need time with your friends, but we're getting married. You really need to spend time with me!
23:37.43 : Ninja Muffin globals: i agree u need to talk wedding plans !
23:38.01 : Lady Arrayah globals: And poor Rebirth! You need to spend time with him too. Threeway marriages only work when all three people are equally committed to each other.
23:38.14 : Ninja Muffin globals: XD
23:38.24 : UT the Hated globals: O_O
23:38.29 : UT the Hated has left the world.
23:38.45 : Lady Arrayah globals: !@#$ YES! WIN!
23:38.50 : Volgren globals: lmao GJ :P
23:38.57 : Lady Arrayah globals: :D
23:39.45 : Lady Arrayah globals: Rebirth?
23:39.56 : @@@Mr Admin Rebirth globals: err
23:39.58 : @@@Mr Admin Rebirth has left the world.
23:40.10 : Lady Arrayah globals: ROFLMFAO! Double win! :D
23:41.06 : Ninja Muffin globals: LOL !
23:42.00 : Volgren globals: o.o.. were just not worthy it seems o.o
23:42.19 : Lady Arrayah globals: Teaches him for being cruel to me. LOL.
23:42.26 : Ninja Muffin globals: HA!
23:44.26 : Volgren globals: when did the females on rpgwo get to be so sassy ._.?
23:44.37 : Lady Arrayah globals: LOL.
23:45.10 : Ninja Muffin globals: since i could remember LOL
23:45.54 : Lady Arrayah globals: Hehe, Bella, you were awesome! :D
23:46.23 : Lady Arrayah globals: But I guess I have no chance of getting his MSN now. :(
23:46.55 : Volgren globals: lol.. u cant give up yet champ ;o
23:47.14 : Lady Arrayah globals: LOL.
23:52.08 : Lady Arrayah globals: Spread the tale, my little monsters. I'll put the nasties back in their place forever! Mwahahahaha! LOL.
23:52.31 : Ninja Muffin has posted.
23:52.47 : Lady Arrayah globals: ROFL! Nice.
23:53.09 : Ninja Muffin globals: lol the word will spread XD
Oldish player, not much else you need to know. Why are you even reading this, you should stop.. Please stop. Why are you not stopping?

Offline Falcon

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2011, 04:46:36 am »
double post, this is coming from Lady Arrayah's chat, if you haven't already read it on RPGWO facebook
Oldish player, not much else you need to know. Why are you even reading this, you should stop.. Please stop. Why are you not stopping?

Offline Kc Kaine

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2011, 04:54:16 am »
Kinda meh

Offline Falcon

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 04:55:13 am »
is that revenge im hearing Hasan?
Oldish player, not much else you need to know. Why are you even reading this, you should stop.. Please stop. Why are you not stopping?

Offline Kc Kaine

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 04:58:43 am »
is that revenge im hearing Hasan?

Say what?

Offline Senkei

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2011, 04:54:02 pm »
Falcon is a weabo and so are you

Offline Kc Kaine

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2011, 07:48:46 pm »
Falcon is a weabo and so are you
Falcon is a weabo and so are you

That was weak, you can do better than that, dog.

Offline Senkei

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2011, 09:07:49 pm »
Woah, you got me there   :'(

Offline Milo

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2012, 04:02:45 am »
why does senkei have -92 karma llol

Offline Falcon

Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2012, 09:18:57 pm »
cause hes a fail-troll
Oldish player, not much else you need to know. Why are you even reading this, you should stop.. Please stop. Why are you not stopping?

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Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2012, 10:54:54 pm »
The story of 2 retards vs 2 retards
(Insert witty signature here)

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Re: The story of 2 admins vs 2 girls
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2012, 01:42:42 pm »
The story of 2 retards vs 2 retards

quote for tigering truth, bitches
"Where ever white people go, you damn sure know we will follow."
Black Motto

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