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Author Topic: Future Project Input Requested  (Read 28605 times)

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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Future Project Input Requested
« on: November 01, 2011, 01:40:40 pm »
Currently, I'll be running V2 Dune as much as I have time.
But come December/January, I want to really focus on a new project (or a feasible old one).

- XNA - microsofts game library
- Silverlight - browser based, native code PC/Mac, don't know about Linux
- AppGameKit (AGK) from - "easy" to do cross platform, PC/mobile
- Java - I guess wouldn't hurt to learn it, PC/Mac/Linux
- Other game libraries? Like, etc.
- Direct SDK coding for a system like Android, DirectX, iOS
- Flash
- GDK - GameDevKit or DarkBasic

Project list:
- RTSWO - current version uses XNA and C++
- RPGWO 2.5D for mobile and PC - using AGK for client, all new rewrite, server would be C++
- Colony - RPG/RTS/Sim - Silverlight - currently tinkering with this, fantasy
- RPGWO V4 for mobile and PC - using AGK, total rewrite, still 2D
- RPGWO V3 - facebook, silverlight, keep server VB6, non-FB version too
- RPGWO 3D - minecraft-like? but RPGWO crafting
- Space ship 3D like EVE - GDK, got a basic demo coded
- RPG Party - rewrite from VB6
- GVO - rewrite from VB6 - basically colony but futuristic
- Dungeon Fate or some other community project

Any of these ideas could be a community project. Either open source or closed source (source code licensed to contributors)
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Offline Jon The Great

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 02:21:04 pm »
I still want to finish up the RPGWO V3 FB etc since a lot of time was put into that and think it can reach a lot of people.

Mobile stuff sounds good just mainly issue with that is the interfaces would need to be a lot simpler and what devices are you targeting. Are you targeting iPhone, Android phones etc.

On frameworks which framework do you think is being updated the most or do you prefer to use. Seems like you have about three differ ones XNA, AGK, GDK.

Offline Pokemon Steve

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2011, 04:36:43 pm »
rpgwo v4, Java Client, c++ server

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2011, 05:59:33 pm »
One of the requirements for a RPGWO would be all new, original artwork. FB would definately need it. A V4 we could use some old V2/V1. But it would have to be consistent looking and not "borrowed" like some of the V2/V1 stuff.
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Offline Jon The Great

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2011, 06:16:39 pm »
That's the hard part a graphic designer would need to be either hired or two and then some sort of compensation

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Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2011, 09:11:22 am »
You could also take a look at monogame if you must have Mac OSX, Droid, iPhone support (screw linux).

You do also have the option to use XNA on silverlight too. I've never messed around with it myself (and as far as I know, you just can't use any of the 3d part of xna to make it work on silverlight)

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Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2011, 05:27:30 pm »
does this mean all the ideas I threw out there in the V2 content ideas thread were just ignored? :'(
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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2011, 05:29:44 pm »
does this mean all the ideas I threw out there in the V2 content ideas thread were just ignored? :'(

Or filed away for another game :)
For the most part, there aren't enough players to justify doing a ton of work, like my own idea of elemental weapons... Unless it carried over to any new project like V3/V4.
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Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2011, 11:06:44 pm »
I still want to finish up the RPGWO V3 FB etc since a lot of time was put into that and think it can reach a lot of people.

ya it can reach right in to their wallets, right??  ::) :P ;)
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Offline Senkei

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2011, 11:32:20 pm »
I still want to finish up the RPGWO V3 FB etc since a lot of time was put into that and think it can reach a lot of people.

ya it can reach right in to their wallets, right??  ::) :P ;)


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Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2011, 12:41:26 pm »
when do we get to try the SpaceShip demo?  for some reason I always like scifi type stuff...
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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2011, 06:25:47 pm »
when do we get to try the SpaceShip demo?  for some reason I always like scifi type stuff...

I tried to compile it but it failed, missing the GDK 3D libraries it uses. I would need to change the IP for the server and all. Maybe my home PC has them but it really not a big deal to look at. Maybe I'll just post a screen shot.
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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2011, 06:33:04 pm »
rpgwo v4, Java Client, c++ server

I spent some time today looking at Java for games/client. It seems to have a healthy community with plenty of support and game libraries. It would be good for me to learn Java for professional reasons, similiar to why I learned VB6 and C#.

But, I just spent all that time learning C# and Silverlight and I don't have the will/focus to learn a whole new system again, just yet. Also, Java wouldn't work on phones and tablets, well, maybe some. Also, not thrilled about V4. Want to make something different than a straight sandbox RPG, I am feeling.

But feeling can change! :)
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Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2011, 07:35:04 pm »
ahhh programming...I learned java same time I learned C++ never bothered with C#(I still use C from time to time) and last basic I used was way back when I was a kid playing around with q-basic(anyone else remember that?)

but if you're looking for something completely new to work on(I understand things get stale) how about a pirate game?  instead of having players we'll have ships, can possibly rework parts of the rpgwo engine for it, cannons in weapon slots sails in shield slot hull type in armor spot.  full pk except a small area around bases where new/better shields/sails/hulls/cannonshot can be purchased, but have other npc ships that can be taken for plunder.  npc ships have factions plundering too many of 1 faction they attack you on sight, any faction they're at war with helps you in battle.

faction example thingy:
Blue neutral with green and purple, at war with yellow orange and red
Red neutral with orange and purple, at war with yellow blue and green
Orange neutral with red and yellow, at war with green blue and purple
Yellow neutral with orange and green, at war with blue red and purple
Purple neutral with red and blue, at war with green yellow and orange
Green neutral with yellow and blue, at war with orange red and purple

you attack a faction, it lowers your standing with them making them more likely to attack, you attack thier enemies brings your standing back with them making them more likely to help you.  add a base for each faction type(shops), good standing with them can get you a quest, bad standing they spawn 4 big warships to take you out.
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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2011, 09:00:23 pm »
Yeah, I used q-basic then bought quick basic so I could compile .exe since q-basic was just interpreted. That was like 1986.

My idea for the 3D space sim pretty much fits into the pirate idea, somewhat. Basically take Privateer and make it online but no story. A dynamic/sandbox theme could be applied to both. My space sim, I was gonna have actual missions/jobs be used to further the NPCs. I was moving in that direction for V3, where players basically provided materials and labor to build the towns.

Space Example (applies to GVO/RTSWO/others too):
- when world first created, there is just a medium sized mother ship in a system (hyper spaced in with player ships inside).
- then the NPC system wants to build a permanent space station there so it adds jobs for gathering of steel, silicon, etc.
- as players bring the materials in, the frame of a station gets added and jobs for players to work on frame get added
- so, nothing NPC gets built with out players, mostly, probably some minor NPC activity
- then once the station is built the mother ship can head to other planets/systems that players already explored and published
- maybe a governing body of players can decide what to build and where, etc. Can work on a strategic level, more difficult on a tactical level
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Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2011, 02:20:05 am »
even though you now have me thinking about how awesome it would be if I was a space pirate I'll give my thoughts on your idea.  that sort of reminds me of this weird game I had on my old pc...O.R.B.

it was a fun game, and multiplayer style with that would be even better.  I don't like the idea of the mothership leaving and founding a new stuff in another area, it would be better if anything past first station would be guild built.  this would give a purpose to joining guilds besides an XP bonus, and force more competition between guilds if certain areas had shortages of a resource.

not sure if you've watched it, but there was an anime called trigun.  there were people in a 'seed' ship going to colonize a planet, but it was sabotaged and they ended up on a crappy planet in the middle of nowhere.  I know your idea was about actual space and not a planet, but the idea of the mothership being stranded was the thing I was pulling from that, the reason players would have to gather materials and rebuild.  could give you a background story for it also.

and if you were using q-basic in 86 you're way older than me, I didn't even play on my first computer til around 89, and I had no clue about programming back then...I think I learned q-basic in 93 or 94(right before windows came out)
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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2011, 12:24:10 pm »
Since I am working on my Colony idea currently (doesn't mean I am sticking with it), I'll explain it out:

- RPG/RTS/SIM online, persistent, multiplayer, fantasy theme
- you get your own sector, a 200x200 area to work, explore, build, etc
- you start with 4 players and they ALWAYS stay in world unless they die, 2 male, 2 female, children spawn/grow, wandering NPCs can be hired, resurrection when user is logged in, MAX 10 - 20 players
- RPG - players are skill based, all skills trained but at zero, goes up with use/training
- RTS - RTS style buildings and resource gathering, activities slower than usual RPG/RTS game, example: 1 real day to cut a tree down and harvest the wood
- SIM - simulation behavior of players, need to manage their needs/wants/morale/personality, no direct control, give them general orders and they carry them out... or not
- schedule plannning - players would be setup with schedules to keep them working while you are offline: rest, harvest wood, build building, train sword, hunt, patrol, explore, trade, research, etc.
- offline - players carry out schedules
- online - players carry out schedules but you can override it and manual control them
- RPG elements - dungeons/caves/ruins can be found and explored and hacked thru to get loot
- neighboring players can be allies and share resources or enemies to attack and pillage
- NPC enemy and nuetrals will abound

Currently the client is using Silverlight. I almost have something people can try out, very early Alpha. Hopefully by weeks end.
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Offline Cervantes

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2011, 12:37:32 pm »
Will RPGWO v4 still use the no right click and be online like the facebook version or w/e I love the game but i just dont do well without right click lol.

Offline Mickey Kudlo

Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2011, 12:52:58 pm »
Will RPGWO v4 still use the no right click and be online like the facebook version or w/e I love the game but i just dont do well without right click lol.

Depends on what I would use to code it in, if it supported right click or not. Silverlight now supports right click so V3 would move to that. Also, who knows what V4 would look like and play like. So really, to say you need right click isn't relevant yet. If V4 was done with smart phones, pads, etc, then right click isn't even applicable.
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Re: Future Project Input Requested
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2011, 04:07:12 pm »
- RTS - RTS style buildings and resource gathering, activities slower than usual RPG/RTS game, example: 1 real day to cut a tree down and harvest the wood
I have nothing against 'turn based' games, but 1 day for a turn is too about 4 turns per day?  with the queue it shouldn't be hard to manage turns every 6 hours.
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