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Author Topic: RPGWO Facebook Beta  (Read 11804 times)

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Offline Jon The Great

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2011, 01:34:49 pm »
New updates:
Use Insert key to pickup items under you
Hold down CONTROL key when clicking with mouse to NOT walk there, but just for selection
Fixed some bugs with Traders not updating items properly when bought or sold

Offline Reid

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2011, 04:26:47 pm »
May 9, 2011

- fixed a handful of things, most I don't remember, heh
- /post and /motd popup screen
- "Run" button - moves 2 spaces at a cost of 1 stamina. Not very smooth yet. Want to see if the players like it before I spend the time to refine it
- if you walk into a house, any following tames stay still until you come back out. Let me know how this works cuz before tames were running off to 0,0
- NPC traders only buy items with bonuses. No player made items unless they normally don't have bonuses on them like tools
- gonna start bringing Grayvyn in. They will pillage and burn your land so protect it somehow!

Offline Kalose

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2011, 06:08:22 pm »

- gonna start bringing Grayvyn in. They will pillage and burn your land so protect it somehow!

Uhh pillage and burn player owned land?..if so..what your saying is people have to play 24/7 to stop their houses getting wrecked and/or looted

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Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2011, 10:35:57 pm »
- gonna start bringing Grayvyn in. They will pillage and burn your land so protect it somehow!
do we have to have gravyns?  I never liked those things, always showed up and made me have to log off for a few hours...

and if you really have to add them can we get real walls atleast a week before they're added?  that is assuming they can't get through granite walls please don't let them be able to get through walls

and from the standpoint of a person who is always a trader, gravyn clones are way too strong, as a trader you have no attack, and usually run around naked(atleast I do) and gravyn clones have 50 attack and 50 of all defenses(or higher if you're forced to get defenses instead of having the spare points) and have pretty good armor, and they attack in groups of 5...I don't get the point of having gravyns
why does Fox keep cancelling good shows?

Offline Jon The Great

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2011, 09:12:44 pm »
May 11, 2011
added stone/granite and wood stairs, also quest stairs but they are for quest areas only so you know if you going into someones land or a quest, kinda like how I used the skull stairs in V2
- hopefully fixed the aon rune bug and tearing down the small house

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Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2011, 04:00:36 pm »
- hopefully fixed the aon rune bug and tearing down the small house
no magic so unsure about the rune, but I can confirm houses can be taken out now ;D thanks
why does Fox keep cancelling good shows?

Offline Reid

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2011, 07:50:24 pm »
May 12, 2011

- granite rocks on surface renamed to granite boulders, also can use hammer and chisel on them to get small granite rocks, infinite
- changed the chat send box, it is always off unless you hit ENTER or click it then you can type chat in. ENTER to send or ESCAPE to cancel shuts it off again. This will allow me to get hotkeys in since the functions keys are used by the browser. I have seen plenty of other online games do chat like this, in that the chat send box isn't always active, taking the
whole keyboard.

Offline Reid

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2011, 06:08:47 pm »
May 17, 2011

- added HOTKEYS in a tab but will probably create a popup dialog for it once finalized. ChatText isn't implemented yet and the clear buttons don't work yet (might not need them). Also it doesn't save/load them yet, so don't go crazy making a ton and expect them to be there later.

Offline Crack Pipe

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2011, 06:58:05 pm »
hell yeah rpgwo is back :D

Offline Jon The Great

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2011, 04:23:13 pm »
May 23, 2011
-New updates rafts and magic torches.

Offline Reid

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2011, 10:12:39 pm »
June 2, 2011

- containers, just a wood box for now, use the "Look In" button in the Item tab
- garbage cans

Offline Reid

Re: RPGWO Facebook Beta
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2011, 02:51:25 pm »
June 8, 2011

- added a new hotkey type call "Ready Use Item", it used in place of double clicking on a item in inventory. It helps with items you can't stand on, like trees. For example, wood axe to cut down a forest is a lot of double clicking back and forth. Just keep the mouse over the tactical map and use this hotkey to ready the axe for use.

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