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Author Topic: Attacking Tanks  (Read 3544 times)

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Offline Devil

Attacking Tanks
« on: June 30, 2009, 12:24:15 pm »
They seem to never hit, is this because there is no skill implementation so they basically just suck and miss all the time?

Also, explosions look a lot better for this update.

Edit : I am able to control any units I find, is this because they don't have a client assigned to them so I automatically get every unit on the map?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 12:28:10 pm by Devil »


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Offline Mickey Kudlo

Attacking Tanks
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2009, 12:48:13 pm »
Quote from: Devil
They seem to never hit, is this because there is no skill implementation so they basically just suck and miss all the time?

Also, explosions look a lot better for this update.

Edit : I am able to control any units I find, is this because they don't have a client assigned to them so I automatically get every unit on the map?

Right now the shell lands randomly in the 3x3 area where the target is in the middle. It not the way I want it in the end but it is fine for now until I add skills and distance/elevation effects and upgrades to equiptment, etc.

I added a few more frames to the explosion effect. It did seem like it abruptly stopped so I added some smoke dissapation frames.

The only units you should be able to control are the 4 you start off with that have green flashng bars. Maybe some units are getting stranded from earlier logins. The ID used is just the client number which gets shared right now. When I add actual logging in, then everyone will get a unique ID so that issue should go away some day.

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