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Author Topic: MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru  (Read 10331 times)

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Offline Mickey Kudlo

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« on: May 12, 2009, 04:01:27 pm »
A basic idea of the flow of things so far in my head...

Scenario 1 : Mining for Ore
 - Start off in Space mode with a small transport carrying 1 CEO, 3 employees, a mobile mining vehicle, a survey vehicle, and a drop ship
   - as CEO you have medium drone(remote control) and starship skills
   - Employee Adam is a miner, employee Eve is a surveyor/geologist(can find ores/minerals) and employee Maverick is a pilot
 - You goto the "Market" screen and look up the current price of Iron ore and see that the price is pretty good
 - You go back to space screen and click on the nearest planet then click on "reports" then look to see if anyone reported iron deposits
 - The planet has medium levels of iron which should work so you set your ship's destination for the planet using the CEO starship skill
 - You also check native/hostile levels reported there and they are low, which is good cuz you lost an attack drone yesterday that you are
   still pissed off about and you just want an easy score to make up for the loss
 - It takes about 5 minutes to get to the planet, while you cruise there, you goto the "contract" screen and see what services companies
   are requesting, some are requesting processed iron ore aka iron bars. You have a small ore refinery on board so maybe you could fill
   a contract out later
 - Your ship gets to the planet safely and enters orbit. Orbit removes your ship from space and your ship is safe. This is a good
   place to logoff when needed. (Ships normally leave space when logged off but who knows what mess you might log back into later)
 - In orbit, you start a visual scan of the planet, gaining a basic map of oceans, land, some features like forests, mountains, and possibly
   native/alien/company structures. Your CEOs computer skill goes up a point!
 - While it scans you move Adam into the miner and drive it into the drop ship. You have Eve get into the surveyor and drive into the drop
   ship. You have Maverick get into the drop ship as pilot.
 - the scan finishes and you find a spot in the mountains (usually best areas to find ore), away from buildings, you zoom in on the spot and
   see for sure that it looks safe, you command the drop ship to head for that spot
 - depending on pilot skill the drop ship gets there n a few minutes and you go into planet(normal RTS) mode with your drop ship hoovering
   over your selected location
 - you are in a hilly region, with mountain tiles, pine trees, rocks and evidence of past mining which is a good sign ore is nearby
 - you direct it to land then deploy the surveyor and start surveying the immediate area specifically for iron. Geologists can survey for
   specific ore faster. Or you can set more types or all but each spot takes longer the more crap/ore you look for. Also deeper ore takes
   longer to find too.
 - After a few minutes, Eve in the surveyor finds some iron deposits close to surface (since the mobile miner you own can only operate at
   shallow levels). You move the surveyor outta the way to scan another spot then deploy Adam in the miner from the drop ship then direct
   him to start mining for iron at the spot.
 - You set Eve to survey for ALL ores/minerals
 - Your CEO is still in the starship in orbit watching in zoom mode thus it gives larger field of view else units have like 5-10 sight line
   but from orbit, the view is about 20 diameter and can be moved around thus you can scan around the area you are working in to find
   threats as early as possible in case you need to scramble back to the drop ship and head back to orbit and your ship
 - after a few minutes, depending on Adams mine skill, his vehicle becomes full with 1 unit of iron ore, it lets you know so you direct
   adam to unload the iron ore onto the drop ship. The drop ship has enough room for the 2 vehicles plus 2 units of ore/cargo. You send
   adam back to mine more iron ore
 - Eve finds GOLD!!! but it is too deep for your lil' miner but you place a marker and record the spot for the future or to sell the info
   on the market cuz you know people are willing to pay for info like that.
 - Adam is full again, you drop it off into the drop ship and send him back
 - As CEO you keep an eye on the edges of your work area and spot a herd of native animals. Might be useful for food and hides, etc, so you
   mark/record it for later
 - Adam is full again so you have him load into the drop ship and send eve into the drop ship. You have 3 units of iron ore, 2 in drop ship
   and 1 in the lil' miner vehicle. You lauch the drop ship and command Maverick to come back to the ship in orbit.
 - While Maverick is flying back, you check "contracts" to see if iron bars still needed and you see a few contracts for it so you warm up
   ship ore refinery and then check hostile reports for the nearest space trading outpost but no hostiles to report
 - The drop ship arrives so you set a course for the outpost then unload the surveyor and miner from the drop ship then transfer the iron
   ore to the ships cargo holds. You send Adam and eve to crew quarters where they can eat and rest/heal and simulator train, etc. You
   noticed the drop ship is a little damaged so you set Maverick to repair it using his mechanic skill.
 - The ore refinery is warmed up so you order it to process all the iron ore into bars. No one on board has any refinery skills so the
   refiner works at a snails pace but eventually gets it done just in time for arrival at the space trading outpost.
 - You dock your ship then transfer the iron bars to the outpost so you can sell them. You look at the market price for iron bars, then
   look at any contracts for iron bars to see what price is better. The normal market is there to buy up goods at low, low prices in case
   no players are looking for that item. You find the best contract and sell the bars to it and earn 50 credits per bar, totalling 150c.
 - The drone you lost costs about 500 so you decide to head back to the same planet.
 - Estimated Time Elapsed: 30 minutes
You may have conquered my worlds, but I destroyed them!

Offline Lord Darkness

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 05:56:21 pm »
Will there be a limit to the number of employees that you can have? will there be a skill that determines how many you can have?

Do you have to sign a contract with employees which runs out after a certain time unless you renew it? do you have to pay them?

1st Steeltide - lvl 29 Xbower  No Damon
2nd Steeltide - lvl 55 Mage 1 Damon
Nulona  -  lvl 66 Mage   5 Damons
Nulona  - lvl 40 Bow    5 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 73 Bow   8 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 1000 @@Admin
Asylum - lvl 24 Mace      0 Damons!! :O

Offline Mickey Kudlo

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2009, 06:18:56 pm »
Quote from: Lord Darkness
Will there be a limit to the number of employees that you can have? will there be a skill that determines how many you can have?

Do you have to sign a contract with employees which runs out after a certain time unless you renew it? do you have to pay them?

Limit on employees might be a perk, like 10 normally, 20 if you buy perks but not determined yet. Depends on population and server demand most likely.
A skill for limit? hmm, maybe a leadership skill would apply there.
Not sure about a contract, probably not. You should be able to hire and fire at will but we'll see.
You will have to pay them based on their skills. Like 1 credit for every skill value per V-month.
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Offline Kaios

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MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 07:46:01 pm »
Strategy game.

(Insert witty signature here)

Offline Zodiak

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2009, 08:58:56 pm »
Just make it a korean rpg, you'll make tons of cash.
I'm just here watching..

Offline Devil

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2009, 09:48:48 pm »
Sounds like Spore, truthfully. Lol


Quote from: Rokhan
So get creative and not necrotic

Offline Pirate Wings

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2009, 10:00:44 pm »
Will be interesting to see how it works. Don't forget heroes and hero buildings cause we all need heroes.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is

Offline The Muffin Man

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2009, 10:06:03 pm »

Offline Pepin

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MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2009, 10:51:28 pm »
Quote from: The Muffin Man

It actually sounds pretty cool.

Offline Mickey Kudlo

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2009, 10:17:37 am »
Quote from: Pirate Wings
Will be interesting to see how it works. Don't forget heroes and hero buildings cause we all need heroes.

Please explain to me the concept of a hero. I think I know but I probably don't, heh.
You may have conquered my worlds, but I destroyed them!

Offline TheBetterGuy

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2009, 11:05:57 am »
Quote from: Pirate Wings
Will be interesting to see how it works. Don't forget heroes and hero buildings cause we all need heroes.

An hero.

Offline Rokhan

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2009, 01:22:18 pm »
Hero is like a superunit with similar base model/ideas/morales but it overall more powerful and more crucial to a storyline.

I.E, a Paladin in Warcraft3 (Arthas) is a hero. Like a combo priest/knight... Powerful, but with magic.
DarkTemplar, Level 28 Sword -Liberty  
Rokhan, Level 30 Mace - 1st Steeltide  
DemonHunter, Level 32 Mage - 2nd Phobos  
Rokhan II, Level 20 Thrower - 2nd Steeltide  
Furion, Level 30 Mage - Xerxes  
Rokhan, Level 33 Mace - Ataxia  
Marksman Rokhan, Level 35 Xbow - Ataxia  
Script Rokhan, Level 22 Bow - Chaos    
Rokhan, Level 42 Thrower - Kirin    
Rhasta, Level 24 - Horizon

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Offline Mickey Kudlo

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2009, 01:54:39 pm »
Quote from: Rokhan
Hero is like a superunit with similar base model/ideas/morales but it overall more powerful and more crucial to a storyline.

I.E, a Paladin in Warcraft3 (Arthas) is a hero. Like a combo priest/knight... Powerful, but with magic.

Storyline? pfffft, what is that?!?!
You may have conquered my worlds, but I destroyed them!

Offline Pepin

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MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2009, 03:02:46 pm »
Quote from: Mickey Kudlo
Storyline? pfffft, what is that?!?!

I think when you start out, you should select and create a custom hero, then that is the commander of all your wolf. Would be cool...could have different proficiency and stuff.

Offline Lord Darkness

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2009, 03:16:46 pm »
You create the hero but he doesnt become available to you straight away? need a temple first or something like that?

or You are the hero?
1st Steeltide - lvl 29 Xbower  No Damon
2nd Steeltide - lvl 55 Mage 1 Damon
Nulona  -  lvl 66 Mage   5 Damons
Nulona  - lvl 40 Bow    5 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 73 Bow   8 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 1000 @@Admin
Asylum - lvl 24 Mace      0 Damons!! :O

Offline Rokhan

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2009, 03:59:44 pm »
Many different ways to do it.

I think if your going with this commander thing, The hero would be your commander and isnt usable all the time or you need certain wolf to do so
DarkTemplar, Level 28 Sword -Liberty  
Rokhan, Level 30 Mace - 1st Steeltide  
DemonHunter, Level 32 Mage - 2nd Phobos  
Rokhan II, Level 20 Thrower - 2nd Steeltide  
Furion, Level 30 Mage - Xerxes  
Rokhan, Level 33 Mace - Ataxia  
Marksman Rokhan, Level 35 Xbow - Ataxia  
Script Rokhan, Level 22 Bow - Chaos    
Rokhan, Level 42 Thrower - Kirin    
Rhasta, Level 24 - Horizon

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Offline Pepin

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MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2009, 11:09:51 pm »
I was just saying, maybe just have him creatable at the start, and have sweet special skills that can spec as. And that can help you like mine faster...or prospect faster etc. He doesn't need to be some big nig badass terminating wolf. Could just be an exceptional pilot.

And as for the what your talking about LD, thats tigering WCIII. Each race has an alter type thing that you can pump out heroes with which yea...


Offline The Muffin Man

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2009, 02:59:36 am »
/r/ t2 reskins.

Wish they would've done that instead of t3, wolfsux. I'd level my paladin if I could get my hands on that sexyness.

Offline Lord Darkness

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2009, 06:30:08 am »
Quote from: Pepin
I was just saying, maybe just have him creatable at the start, and have sweet special skills that can spec as. And that can help you like mine faster...or prospect faster etc. He doesn't need to be some big nig badass terminating wolf. Could just be an exceptional pilot.

And as for the what your talking about LD, thats tigering WCIII. Each race has an alter type thing that you can pump out heroes with which yea...

Never played WCIII  but i guess most RTS games are like that :/

1st Steeltide - lvl 29 Xbower  No Damon
2nd Steeltide - lvl 55 Mage 1 Damon
Nulona  -  lvl 66 Mage   5 Damons
Nulona  - lvl 40 Bow    5 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 73 Bow   8 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 1000 @@Admin
Asylum - lvl 24 Mace      0 Damons!! :O

Offline Mack the Blacksmith

MMORTS Scenario/Walk-Thru
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2009, 07:01:09 am »
So judging by what you said... This is going to be persistent? (like rpgwo)

How about docking yards for people to log in/out safely.

[!--quoteo(post=0:date=:name=Chronolink on Vent)--][div class='quotetop']QUOTE (Chronolink on Vent)[div class='quotemain'][!--quotec--]Calling people hawks now? Jeez, going too far.[/quote]

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