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Author Topic: What the heck?  (Read 14171 times)

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Offline Lord Darkness

What the heck?
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2009, 05:23:52 pm »
Would this mmorts have ANY sort of combat in it? like RTS games usually do? probably a stupid question but for some reason im getting the impression you want less combat in a game? :S
1st Steeltide - lvl 29 Xbower  No Damon
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Offline Jon The Great

What the heck?
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2009, 06:40:24 pm »
I haven't seen a good java game yet. For me java = sluggish interface. Dotnet in theory can be as portable.

Offline The Muffin Man

What the heck?
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2009, 07:39:03 pm »
Quote from: MeowDoYouDo
P.S. This is Jordonias. I tried making it obvious at possible. Not sure how many people caught on.

I'm pretty sure noone cared.

Offline Devil

What the heck?
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2009, 10:48:12 pm »
Java sucks ass, sorry. First of all, it's interpreted, not compiled. Which just ruins it completely. It's loved by everyone because it is the standard but it gives really not close to as much configuration as C++. Java is almost as bad as J++ (Microsoft's REAL version of Java.)

To Mickey:
Don't use these as an example, since they almost all have cash shops which is NOT the way to go.


Quote from: Rokhan
So get creative and not necrotic

Offline Pirate Wings

What the heck?
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2009, 11:36:16 pm »
Thinking more on it I don’t think trade skills would work for individual units but there could be buildings you can build to improve your units over all. EG: Like a workshop for extra armor plating that puts a buff on future created units.

Could maybe choose to go economical, scientific, commercial or military that way there are peaceful expansion options available for those who don’t like PK. Treaty and truce options could be available and the option of you can’t attack others and they can’t attack you. But of course you attack someone and then your open to all attack so it still caters for the PKers.

Could maybe worrie about the peoples happiness as well as the production of resources for expansion as well as military..

Maybe go on the wood, stone, metal, oil, gold resource needed.

Gold comes from the people in the form of taxes or by selling resources on the market.

Houses - population , worforce,
Tax office – each 1 population pays an amount of tax
Peace center- diplomatic actions, guilds etc
Pad – waiting center for troops
Trainin center – produces units
Pub – Hero center
Rest station – Provides buffs for military units
Market - trading center

Starport – Large Warships
Forge – Weapon and armor for men and ships
Carpentry center – makes woodern equipment
Power plant – provides power for mechanical units
Shipyard – for small planes and warcrafts
Large shipyard – for battle ships and advanced engineering
Engineer bay – robots and mechanical units
Military research center – provides upgrade to units

Mining plant – mines ore
Refinment plant – refines ore, provides mining upgrades

Just an example of a basic RTS. Would be interested to see what actualy ends up happening though.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is

Offline Mystic

What the heck?
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2009, 11:27:45 am »
Not really sure what C# is (I've always wanted to learn Programming/Game Design but can't find a job to save money to move to college... tiger this economic BS) but how about a Tatical RPG like FFT except it's online? It could be pretty cool.

Offline Mickey Kudlo

What the heck?
« Reply #26 on: May 08, 2009, 12:08:12 pm »
Quote from: Lord Darkness
Would this mmorts have ANY sort of combat in it? like RTS games usually do? probably a stupid question but for some reason im getting the impression you want less combat in a game? :S

Oh, it will have combat just like a normal RTS. Since you will be running a company and not a military, it doesn't have to be all about base building and combat related. You'll be able to make money and succeed many ways. Peacefully could be through resource gathering and/or production of goods. Combat wise, you could raid native cities on planets and steal from their storage or salvage stuff you blow up. Also PK with players and competing aliens, etc.

Quote from: Devil
Java sucks ass, sorry. First of all, it's interpreted, not compiled. Which just ruins it completely. It's loved by everyone because it is the standard but it gives really not close to as much configuration as C++. Java is almost as bad as J++ (Microsoft's REAL version of Java.)

To Mickey:
Don't use these as an example, since they almost all have cash shops which is NOT the way to go.

Thanks for the link. I need to check out at least one to get an idea of what is at least expected plus get ideas for the interface, etc. Not sure what a cash shop is though. Spend real money to buy upgrades?
You may have conquered my worlds, but I destroyed them!

Offline Mystic

What the heck?
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2009, 12:27:58 pm »
Not sure what a cash shop is though. Spend real money to buy upgrades?
More or less, yes. Cash Shops/Item Malls are basicly where you purchase some kind of boost or whatnot. EXP boost for X amount of time, exclusive/rare gear, and some other things.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 12:33:13 pm by Mystic »

Offline Lord Darkness

What the heck?
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2009, 06:37:33 pm »
a couple of ideas i have for your mmorts are:

If there is not one Set Character that you play as ( like the captain of an army or Ruler of a planet ) then you are always logged in while offline;

can be attacked at any time

trade requests can still be made and will be accepted / declined when a person logs in

Can be Raided at any time

Gain resources while offline.

If you play as a single character that rules a planet / Army like you play as a single character in RPGWO then;

Buildings and Army Can be attacked at any time

Trade requests can be made but can only be accepted by sending your character to the other persons base to negotiate

Can be raided at any time, but Character can not lose items that are on the person (or can only lose a certain %?)

Resources are Collected by gatherers but are stored until you character goes to the storage facilities to distribute the resources to your collection / vault - The stored resources can be raided and stolen, and a higher amount is stolen compared to resources already in your collection / vault

The way Combat / Trading works

When a player wishes to attack another with a fleet of ships they select the specified planet and then the specified region of the planet to attack ( stronger the ships / weapons the more area you can damage in one go ) That planet is not immediately attacked, depending on the distance, weapons, Ammo being transported and the propulsion used there is a count down timer showing how long until that fleet of ships will arrive at their destination, The timer shows the time it will take for the Slowest ship to arrive at the planet and the fleet will not attack until the last ship arrives, this gives the defender time to set up defences and activate special skills?

a players main colony / planet can only be reduced down so much ( like vitae ) the main citadel can only be destroyed down to 10% ( meaning 90% less resources per hour? ) but can be repaired with a repair Bot? but other planets that have been colonised by a player can be completely destroyed with certain ships, Attackers special Skills? or one of the Defenders Special Skills? to prevent anyone else gaining valuable resources from that planet if they know it is lost.

when a person chooses to attack some one they are given a likely % of damage done to the citadel and Casualty % / mortality rate and % of buildings destroyed, but there is a margin for error as Special Skills? can be used by both Defenders and Attackers. Also Defense can call in allies ( other players ) to help fend of the attackers and visa versa, attackers can call for help from allies to attack.

When attacking your fleet will not start attacking until your ally has accepted or declined to help you and the attack will not start until all fleets have arrived at the planet.

Attacking will last x amount of time which is determined by the number of ships you have attacking and the amount of ammo they are carrying or until your fleet is destroyed or retreats.

Trading is a lot more simple, Firstly you send a friendly ship ( no guns ) to a planet to start negotiations, negotiations are done when players are online or offline ,but onlines alot quicker obviously, Once an agreement has been made the negotiation ship is sent back to the vault and a larger ship with possibly some weapons and an escort for defense only will ferry the resources over, When a trade is taking place players with fleets or planets near by will be alerted of the trade and they can try to attack the ferry to gain a % of the resources, once a trade has been confirmed the resources will go to the other player, if the ferry was attacked then that % is taken off the other persons trade to even out the trade.

What the Vulcan are these Special Skills you are on about???

Firstly, Yes i have been to see the new Star Trek film, so i feel like saying What the Vulcan.

Now onto the skills

Basically my idea is that certain ships and buildings can have certain skills that can be activated when a certain event triggers them ( they must be selected first and will be unselected after they have been used ) They can only be used if the Attackers are going to attack a planet with a certain resource ( use it to cause a chain reaction or larger explosion? ) Attacking certain ships or attacking certain buildings

Defenders can only use certain skills when being attacked by certain ships and just a general extra security thing on the vault, these can only be activated when there is a count down to an attack.

Traders: Can have extra defence or Speed to avoid pirates.

Thank you for Reading

Thanks for reading, I look forward to you reading this and letting me know what you think of it, just a couple of ideas there i will possibly post some more if you like?

1st Steeltide - lvl 29 Xbower  No Damon
2nd Steeltide - lvl 55 Mage 1 Damon
Nulona  -  lvl 66 Mage   5 Damons
Nulona  - lvl 40 Bow    5 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 73 Bow   8 Damons
Xerxes  - lvl 1000 @@Admin
Asylum - lvl 24 Mace      0 Damons!! :O

Offline Zodiak

What the heck?
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2009, 07:48:22 pm »
Quote from: Lord Darkness
a couple of ideas i have for your mmorts are:

If there is not one Set Character that you play as ( like the captain of an army or Ruler of a planet ) then you are always logged in while offline;

can be attacked at any time

trade requests can still be made and will be accepted / declined when a person logs in

Can be Raided at any time

Gain resources while offline.

If you play as a single character that rules a planet / Army like you play as a single character in RPGWO then;

Buildings and Army Can be attacked at any time

Trade requests can be made but can only be accepted by sending your character to the other persons base to negotiate

Can be raided at any time, but Character can not lose items that are on the person (or can only lose a certain %?)

Resources are Collected by gatherers but are stored until you character goes to the storage facilities to distribute the resources to your collection / vault - The stored resources can be raided and stolen, and a higher amount is stolen compared to resources already in your collection / vault

The way Combat / Trading works

When a player wishes to attack another with a fleet of ships they select the specified planet and then the specified region of the planet to attack ( stronger the ships / weapons the more area you can damage in one go ) That planet is not immediately attacked, depending on the distance, weapons, Ammo being transported and the propulsion used there is a count down timer showing how long until that fleet of ships will arrive at their destination, The timer shows the time it will take for the Slowest ship to arrive at the planet and the fleet will not attack until the last ship arrives, this gives the defender time to set up defences and activate special skills?

a players main colony / planet can only be reduced down so much ( like vitae ) the main citadel can only be destroyed down to 10% ( meaning 90% less resources per hour? ) but can be repaired with a repair Bot? but other planets that have been colonised by a player can be completely destroyed with certain ships, Attackers special Skills? or one of the Defenders Special Skills? to prevent anyone else gaining valuable resources from that planet if they know it is lost.

when a person chooses to attack some one they are given a likely % of damage done to the citadel and Casualty % / mortality rate and % of buildings destroyed, but there is a margin for error as Special Skills? can be used by both Defenders and Attackers. Also Defense can call in allies ( other players ) to help fend of the attackers and visa versa, attackers can call for help from allies to attack.

When attacking your fleet will not start attacking until your ally has accepted or declined to help you and the attack will not start until all fleets have arrived at the planet.

Attacking will last x amount of time which is determined by the number of ships you have attacking and the amount of ammo they are carrying or until your fleet is destroyed or retreats.

Trading is a lot more simple, Firstly you send a friendly ship ( no guns ) to a planet to start negotiations, negotiations are done when players are online or offline ,but onlines alot quicker obviously, Once an agreement has been made the negotiation ship is sent back to the vault and a larger ship with possibly some weapons and an escort for defense only will ferry the resources over, When a trade is taking place players with fleets or planets near by will be alerted of the trade and they can try to attack the ferry to gain a % of the resources, once a trade has been confirmed the resources will go to the other player, if the ferry was attacked then that % is taken off the other persons trade to even out the trade.

What the Vulcan are these Special Skills you are on about???

Firstly, Yes i have been to see the new Star Trek film, so i feel like saying What the Vulcan.

Now onto the skills

Basically my idea is that certain ships and buildings can have certain skills that can be activated when a certain event triggers them ( they must be selected first and will be unselected after they have been used ) They can only be used if the Attackers are going to attack a planet with a certain resource ( use it to cause a chain reaction or larger explosion? ) Attacking certain ships or attacking certain buildings

Defenders can only use certain skills when being attacked by certain ships and just a general extra security thing on the vault, these can only be activated when there is a count down to an attack.

Traders: Can have extra defence or Speed to avoid pirates.

Thank you for Reading

Thanks for reading, I look forward to you reading this and letting me know what you think of it, just a couple of ideas there i will possibly post some more if you like?

In the words of mickeys response to an email I sent him long ago...

"Too long make it in bullet form"
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 07:48:40 pm by Zodiak »
I'm just here watching..

Offline Lord Darkness

What the heck?
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2009, 08:00:25 pm »
Just read it  tiger the bullets
1st Steeltide - lvl 29 Xbower  No Damon
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Offline The Muffin Man

What the heck?
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2009, 08:32:35 pm »

Offline Kaios

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What the heck?
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2009, 10:38:52 pm »
Strategy games [font= \"Arial Black\"]FUCKING SUCK[/font][/i][/sup][/b][/u]
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Offline Devil

What the heck?
« Reply #33 on: May 08, 2009, 11:18:03 pm »
I have yet to see a strategy game where you can get IN THE FIGHTING. I'm sure there is one, but does it really make a difference? You need to implement a way for your player to not only control the armies, but lead them into battle as well. You get the best side of both worlds.


Quote from: Rokhan
So get creative and not necrotic

Offline Lord Darkness

What the heck?
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2009, 06:48:04 am »
Like C&C Renegade?
1st Steeltide - lvl 29 Xbower  No Damon
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Asylum - lvl 24 Mace      0 Damons!! :O

Offline The Muffin Man

What the heck?
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2009, 07:47:18 am »
Wasn't Dynasty Warriors a game where you control entire armies in an all-out battle?

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What the heck?
« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2009, 08:08:59 am »
Ok Stragety games tigering suck minus Dynasty Warriors.

Loved that.
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What the heck?
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2009, 09:21:33 am »
I wasn't really into DW, the voice acting was horrid and the gfx were poop. It was fun running around smashing up baddies though

Offline The Muffin Man

What the heck?
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2009, 01:24:33 pm »

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What the heck?
« Reply #39 on: May 09, 2009, 03:10:26 pm »
Are you planning to use the C# XNA framework to make the game, or just going to attempt it with normal c# itself?

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