15:47.29 : dmx globals: u monkey sucking bitch
23:55.23 : Furry Wolfy globals: kaios is just a failed clone of Reid
18:02.55 : Crow globals: And you, Kaios, will be my first target if it must be.
16:11.40 : Twitch globals: ostrich kaios or i will find out where you live and pull your balls out of your ears
16:12.32 : Twitch globals: i tigerin hate kaios hes the most annoying little bug i have ever had my displeasure of meeting
16:13.05 : Crow globals: shut up Kaios before i slit your throat with my Halberd
16:14.00 : Twitch globals: i dont bash kaios i hate kaios
16:14.26 : Crow globals: should we kill him? i would love to silence his insignifigant little mouth for good, not to mention have it sewn shut
21:48.34 : Levandis globals: Kaois tell me. Or UT will have you banned for hacking his comp. I have the proof now.
19:52.11 : Master of T3h House globals: kaios is a f ing d bag who thinks he is cool. jon should make one
20:03.41 : Seto Lain globals: You're right. Bye, Repth and tell Kaios bye for me. You two morons can have fun making idiotic comments about everything that happens by yourself and to the people that aren't sick of reading your BS yet.
14:48.31 : Xavius globals: sry im just annoyed that he gets away with harrasing ppl
15:09.31 : Xavius says: ur a pony bro
15:13.07 : Xavius says: i live in new york city and ive never met some1 so ignorant
20:12.05 : Kyle globals: caios, ostrich
18:04.27 : Azmaden globals: im not trying to get baned or nething but ur favoring kaios hes been trash talking tro and u only threatened me
16:11.40 : Twitch globals: ostrich kaios or i will find out where you live and pull your balls out of your ears
Seto Lain :: 13:01.40 : Guild message: Kaios is a tool.
15:27.55 : Seto Lain says: He's too unintelligent to defend himself anyway rofl
22:31.10 : Jaloop Daloop globals: kaios ostrich and go back to ur server the only noise i wanna hear from u is u slirping the pig i shoot on ur face dog