Note: Some of these outlines are obviously vague. This is only because I did not want to go into more detail in planning (or creating) for something that won't be considered. I am not one of those persons who says and will not do. :]
Graphics/Interface: On outside forums a lot of people refuse to even check RPGWO out because of the graphics. To the current players, and those of the past, graphics were far from the biggest issue. Really, we loved our simple 2D graphics because almost all of the players have paint, and with a little talent could contribute something to the game.
Its unlikely that Mickey, working alone, could turn out an ISO graphics system on par with the other more popular ISO MMO's, and really, there is no reason why he should. Simple optimizing the user interface, the perspective, and simple things like the direction a character is facing when he walks should be enough.
But it seems he is already working on ISO so.. People looking for their next online addiction aren't interested in, boring, Windows 98' esque gray boxes when perusing their menu's. A more RPG like interface is needed without a doubt. Something more immersive, more enticing. An open scroll perhaps? I could create the interface myself given the direction. The layout now in Chaos, as i've just seen, is jumbled and unorderly. It also definitely needs work.
XP System:[/b]
- Whats important for an XP system is the curve, as you probably know Mickey. To draw players in you let them level quickly for a while and experience new, awesome things, fast. And taunt them with things even cooler at the highest levels. Long ago, seventy was a Godly accomplishment. As more powerful potions, Red Magic spells, and Weapons became available people became stronger.
Basically, it should be even easier to get to level 25 or so. But even harder to get higher. Therefore 25 - 35 or even 40 will hardly seem like a feet anymore, but the character is comparatively strong and playable, but 70+ will be truly admirable. Almost an in between of a guild wars / wow approach.
You could consider bringing back Hero spell to the highest level of Hero 3, or making more, and spreading their bonuses out more and how they relatively effect the skills of the player. Relativity is the most important aspect of an XP system!
ALSO extremely important, for the xp system and probably more so for the economy, is breaking away from the skill points bit. There needs to be a limit to how many skill points you can acpigulate over life! Too many independent players is a bad thing. Having any people with all the skills they need to survive independently is horrible for an economy! There are almost no players who are entirely tradesmen because once a decent fighter gets to a high enough level they can get the trade skills. You can argue against this all day long, but for the games longevity there needs to be a limit.
The original 40 skill points, + a limit of two extra skills throughout your lifetime is beyond reasonable.
EconomyRPGWO's economy has always been a problem, especially because the administrators and individuals running the servers add what they'd like when they'd like and don't consider the economy. RPGWO2 should have a universal server, which I hope it will, and not all of those other worlds. Possibly different areas that would accommodate those different needs. At the most a PK server and a non PK server.
But back to economy, when items, their values, currency, traders, npc traders are created Mickey should get together guys if he doesn't want to do it himself and seriously work out balancing the economy. Preferably people who have some experience in it and know how an economy works, and the behavior of players in MMO's. Thats what it amounts to. Random input: As far as just currency I think Copper should be brought back. Makes more sense.
Putting More. Have to go.