Board Subject Topics Posts
Announcements Announcements from the Forum Admins or RPGWO Admins are made here. 134 2954
RPGWO Installer Get RPGWO Updater and Installer and cool tools! 0 187
General General area to post about Guild Vale. 4 57
Guild Vale Downloads! 0 7246
RPGWO Chat A place for talking about RPGWO. 526 12201
Old Servers Old servers worlds 0 0
Horizon V2 Newb Friendly World 35 676
Dementia V2 Everyone welcome. 3 80
Core Progressive Modern. 2 18
Skull V2, Forced PK, Stealing, Invasion 2 46
Arcanium V2 Test World - Invite Only 3 13
RPGWO V3 Version 3, a free standing .EXE made from V2 base code. NOT Facebook! 71 752
RPGWO V6 / V7 Modernized C# Client/Server, Cross Platform Client 77 1019
RPGWO V4 / V5 Information and posts on RPGWO version 4.0 and 5.0 96 1714
V5 Artwork Artwork requests and submissions. 8 21
RPGWO 2 Post all of your suggestions, complaints, and comments here regarding the upgrades to RPGWO. 217 4056
Gaming All gaming things not related to RPGWO. 284 4600
RTSWO Discuss Mickey's .Net, C#, Online RTS. 8 172
RPGWO 3 - Facebook V3 Facebook Discussion 52 338
General Chat Talk about anything! 1350 24480
Suggestions Post all of your suggestions for either the forums or RPGWO here. 68 1208
Bugs / Problems Are you experiencing problems trying to play RPGWO? Or you can't connect? Post here. 89 842
Stories Read stories posted by the writers, or post your own! 63 1089
v2 Servers All information for RPGWO v2 36 539
1.15 Servers Documentation on running 1.15 Servers. 103 925
RPGWO Players Guide RPGWO Players Guide 0 5618
RPGWO Discord Channel Chat with us on Discord 0 4020
RPGWO Facebook Group Non-Official RPG World Online Gaming Community FB Group 0 4780