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Topics - Zorb

Pages: [1]
RPGWO Chat / Hey, can you share some damonite?
« on: July 28, 2021, 05:30:22 pm »
Like, dude.
I'm running around Hex v2, and this Lavish trader has 28 damonites in the middle of town for 200,000gp each.

Man, like, you're not even playing with us. We're over here, having fun on our quiet server making ultima potions and dying to giant golems and you go in with your high level character and comb all the damonite off the landscape.

What am I supposed to work towards now? How will I kill the cursed egyptians?

Cheese? I don't do cheese.

You all believe we're bots anyway.  :'(

Left us to rot.  :'(

RPGWO V3 / Bristle Grass
« on: September 23, 2017, 10:41:54 pm »
We've tried all the different tools, including hand, and none of us can figure out how to remove this pesky weed. Is this a bug? I think it's a bug.

RPGWO V3 / Jewelry making without blacksmithing
« on: September 16, 2017, 06:10:09 pm »
I can't practice jewelry making without blacksmithing. Blacksmithing is required to load gold into a crucible. What is that?

RPGWO Chat / RPGWO Video Tutorials on Youtube
« on: August 22, 2017, 09:48:49 pm »
I've been making these today.
I don't want to make a ton all in one day and get sick of it. So I'm just making and uploading the first three I made. Here's the playlist:

I want to make so many tutorials that someone could learn the game autonomously. Like, from 0 to 60 in only a dozen videos.
They aren't polished or good production quality, but I think they'd still help grow our player base.

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General Chat / The webcomic I write for
« on: March 24, 2013, 04:44:37 pm » (most recent comic is always loaded first, hit "First" if you're interested)

I've been working on this since June-ish. we released our first comic in December

Bugs / Problems / So...yeah Ganymede
« on: March 12, 2013, 09:04:07 pm »
'twas my day off... you've been down all day.
Why were you down all day on my day off?
Can't connect to any rpgwo servers for that matter...

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