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Messages - M4ttDogZ

Pages: [1]
RPGWO Chat / RpgWo Server
« on: September 18, 2008, 11:33:18 pm »
i have played 4 a long time i just wanted this game 4 so long lol been long time since been on though my name was mattdog i was a bs/carpenter/miner mostly i played alot but servers got restarted alot and i found other games and i stumbled upon this on my laptop and saw people talking about servers and i was like wow i have always wanted to make a server for RPGWO!
Sorry one long sentence!

RPGWO Chat / RpgWo Server
« on: September 18, 2008, 11:25:40 pm »
looking for rpgwqo server files i think yall have them here to make ur own servers right if so can i have them pls?

Pages: [1]