RPGWO Forums

General => RPGWO 2 => Topic started by: THEAC on January 06, 2008, 08:45:00 pm

Title: More people on server
Post by: THEAC on January 06, 2008, 08:45:00 pm
1. I'm exactly sure about this, because I haven't played in a while, but I believe a RPGWO servers have a limit of 100 people on one server.

I suggest that there should be only 1 or 2 servers and they should have a limit of 300 people.

I'm not sure if RPGWO will ever have such a large player base though.


More suggestions:

2. Once again, I'm not sure if Mick ever fixed this, but the password for RPGWO should really be encrypted a lot better, I don't think anyone wants to see the password list be posted on this forum again.

3. Also, what ever happen to this, Mick:

RPGWO Design Notes:

Government and Law

April 17, 2001
# each sector can have a magistrate/mayor/governor
# one sector is a 200x200 part of the map, filling the client world map view
# land owners elect a ruler; the more land an individual owner has, the more weight the vote carries
# The Ruler:

      cannot buy/sell land for self in their sector psican levy taxes: sales, property, toll, etc can claim/buy land as public can build on public land using tax revenue: water works, parks, roads, walls, towers, etc. can "make" NPC guards and set them up or command them (not directly), this uses taxes can define law for their sector and assign "outlaw" points to each unlawful act can give or take away outlaw points (condem or pardon) can set a bounty on a player, giving bounty hunters right to PK them, if a hunter has a letter of bounty then they get money and outlaw gets warped to jail? can declare war/peace/ally with other sectors (an ally shares outlaw players but not laws?)

# the ruler's term last one V-year or less if they resign or are impeached!
# Voting:

      when a sectors land is at least 50% claimed, any land owner may initiate a vote a vote is also initiated when the current ruler's term is over to be a candidate you must be the ruler or have one land owner nominate you, land owners may nominate themselves after 1 V-month or V-week? a vote starts that lasts 1 V-week or when a majority is met for one candidate

# outlaw points, rstrict activity in a sector, like no buying or selling or guards attack on site
# outlaw points earned when a player breaks a law defined by a ruler of the sector the crime happens in
# some crimes: player killing, arson, theft, tax evasion, etc.
# citizenship: any person may have one, giving them discount on taxes
# a sector with out a ruler is a state of chaos, no law, every player for themselves

Honesty that seems pretty cool to me
Title: More people on server
Post by: The Muffin Man on January 06, 2008, 10:01:23 pm
1. You can set the limit in the .inis
2. Password lists come from UT setting his password to stuff like boobies
3. I believe that was once used but was complete crap. If not, something similar at least. I think Chaos is similar to it, not sure.