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Old => Stories => Topic started by: chronolink on December 16, 2007, 10:25:53 am

Title: The Jordan and Gebus chronicles
Post by: chronolink on December 16, 2007, 10:25:53 am
Minnesota 12am

Jordonias, Gebus, Webber, Hopper, Paxer and derek were Sleding down a hill

Jordonias: Wheeeee
Gebus: Wheeeee
Paxer: Wheeeeeee
Webber: You three going to do this all night?
Hopper: Yeh, we're getting bored
Gebus: We could go to the ski resort
Webber: Nice idea, let's go
Jordonias: This is starting to suck I admit

They all go inside Derek's Pontiac and drive to their Local ski resort. On the way however...

Webber: Hmm... on second thoughts, it'll be closed
Hopper: Yeh, it's 2am
Jordonias: Stop being whining pussies and drive us there
Derek: Meh, ok

Come 1am they arrive at the resort

Webber: Yep, their closed, besides, there's groomers up there on the hill
Hopper: He's right, we should get out of here
Gebus: Shut up you two, we want to sled, you didn't have to come
Paxer: You wait in the car then
Jordonias: Ok, stay on the sight road, wait for us
Derek: Sure

Paxer, Jordonias and Gebus make their way up a very high hill half a mile long

Jordonias: Hey? Groomers down there at the bottom of the hill
Paxer: Well, we can't go down yet, they'll catch us
Gebus: Lets wait in this building for a while

An hour passes

Jordonias (on cellphone): Yo Derek? Park at the bottom of the hill
Derek (cellphone): Ok, Hopper and Webber are here pissing themselves thinking we're gonna get caught
Jordonias: tiger them

The Groomers start coming up the hill, cornering Jordonias, Gebus and Paxer

Jordonias: Hmm... we're tigered if they come closer
Gebus: wolf! It's 10 foot away from us

The 3 of them run from the building and sled down the hill towards the car. Halfway down Gebus falls off

Jordonias: HAHAHAHAHA Owned!
Paxer: You suck Gebus
Gebus: This isn't funny you guys

Amidst all this chaos the Groomers see them

Groomerdonias1: Call the cops
Groomerdonias2: Sure thing
Groomerdonias3: Darn kids

At the bottom of the hill Jord, Gebus and Paxer run towards Derek's Pontiac

Jordonias: Quick, start it up
Paxer: we aren't all in yet
Gebus: Quick, before the cops come

After all piling in the Pontiac then quickly drive off

Webber: wolf, you guys are crazy, the seats all wet because I though we were gonna get caught
Hopper: Ahhhhh mummy mummy
Jordonias: Quit your whining dogs

They drive off into the cold Minnesotian night...

Title: The Jordan and Gebus chronicles
Post by: Pokemon Steve on December 16, 2007, 10:28:22 am
Lol, another good story. (Based on a true story)
Title: The Jordan and Gebus chronicles
Post by: Rokhan on December 16, 2007, 07:36:04 pm
I read the title, I noticed the writer, then I read the story.

The epicality piece'd together.